Учебные задания для развития умений аудирования на базе аудиотекстов "Streamline English"для студентов I и II курса всех специальностей (часть V). Абармитова Б.В - 28 стр.


couldn’t see the man’s face, only his eyes. The man was staring at him.
Abdul began to shiver. “Who are you? What do you want?”, Abdul
asked. The man in black didn’t reply. “What’s your name?”, Abdul
asked nervously. “ I am Death”, the stranger replied coldly and turned
away. Abdul dropped his basket and ran all over back to the caliph’s
house. He rushed into the caliph’s room “Excuse me, master. I have to
leave Baghdad immediately”, Abdul said. “But why? What’s
happened?, the caliph asked. “I’ve just met Death in the market”, Abdul
replied. “Are you certain?” said the caliph. “Yes, I’m certain. He was
dressed in black and he stared at me. I’m going to my father’s house in
Samarah. If I go at once I’ll be there before sunset”. The caliph could
see that Abdul was terrified and gave him permission to go to Samarah.
The caliph was puzzled. He was fond of Abdul and he was angry
because Abdul had been badly frightened by the stranger in the market.
He decided to go to the market and investigate. When he found the man
in black, he spoke to him angrily. “Why did you frighten my servant?”
“Who is your servant?”, the stranger replied. “ “His name is Abdul”,
answered the caliph. “I didn’t want to frighten him. I was just surprised
to see him in Baghdad.” “Why were you surprised?” the caliph asked. “
I was surprised because I’ve got an appointment with him tonight. In
couldn’t see the man’s face, only his eyes. The man was staring at him.
Abdul began to shiver. “Who are you? What do you want?”, Abdul
asked. The man in black didn’t reply. “What’s your name?”, Abdul
asked nervously. “ I am Death”, the stranger replied coldly and turned
away. Abdul dropped his basket and ran all over back to the caliph’s
house. He rushed into the caliph’s room “Excuse me, master. I have to
leave Baghdad immediately”, Abdul said. “But why? What’s
happened?, the caliph asked. “I’ve just met Death in the market”, Abdul
replied. “Are you certain?” said the caliph. “Yes, I’m certain. He was
dressed in black and he stared at me. I’m going to my father’s house in
Samarah. If I go at once I’ll be there before sunset”. The caliph could
see that Abdul was terrified and gave him permission to go to Samarah.
The caliph was puzzled. He was fond of Abdul and he was angry
because Abdul had been badly frightened by the stranger in the market.
He decided to go to the market and investigate. When he found the man
in black, he spoke to him angrily. “Why did you frighten my servant?”
“Who is your servant?”, the stranger replied. “ “His name is Abdul”,
answered the caliph. “I didn’t want to frighten him. I was just surprised
to see him in Baghdad.” “Why were you surprised?” the caliph asked. “
I was surprised because I’ve got an appointment with him tonight. In