Английский язык. Агафонова И.Г - 8 стр.



working in the Persian Gulf). And in 198990 we saw substantial westward
migration from Eastern Europe as the barriers came tumbling down.
None the less, there is no free and unrestricted immigration to the rich
countries today. Indeed, even migrant workers are frequently outlawed. One
difference between conditions today and conditions during the massive
migrations of the nineteenth century is that there are now extensive systems of
welfare and public health in rich countries. Quite apart from any racial or
religious arguments, opponents of immigration say that existing residents would
end up subsidizing unskilled immigrants who would spend most of their lives
receiving public handouts.
The United States grew extremely quickly during the period of large-scale
immigration. With economies of scale, it is not clear that existing residents
inevitably lose out by admitting immigrants. Although fascinating, the question
is largely academic. At present there seems little prospect of the rich countries
allowing immigration on a significant scale, least of all from the poorest
countries of the world economy.
III. Answer the following questions.
1. Why have LDCs been particularly successful in exporting textiles, clothing
and leather footwear?
2. Can a small LDC gain by a policy of import substitution?
IV. Check up the pronunciation of unfamiliar words in a dictionary and read
Text 2 aloud.
Aid and Migration (Text 2)
1. There is a way to equalize world income distribution. 2. It is to permit
free migration between countries. 3. This process was observed in the nineteenth
and early twentieth centuries. 4. Since the Second World War the major
migrations have been temporary. 5. More common has been the use of

working in the Persian Gulf). And in 1989–90 we saw substantial westward
migration from Eastern Europe as the barriers came tumbling down.
       None the less, there is no free and unrestricted immigration to the rich
countries today. Indeed, even migrant workers are frequently outlawed. One
difference between conditions today and conditions during the massive
migrations of the nineteenth century is that there are now extensive systems of
welfare and public health in rich countries. Quite apart from any racial or
religious arguments, opponents of immigration say that existing residents would
end up subsidizing unskilled immigrants who would spend most of their lives
receiving public handouts.
       The United States grew extremely quickly during the period of large-scale
immigration. With economies of scale, it is not clear that existing residents
inevitably lose out by admitting immigrants. Although fascinating, the question
is largely academic. At present there seems little prospect of the rich countries
allowing immigration on a significant scale, least of all from the poorest
countries of the world economy.

III.   Answer the following questions.
1. Why have LDCs been particularly successful in exporting textiles, clothing
and leather footwear?
2. Can a small LDC gain by a policy of import substitution?

IV.    Check up the pronunciation of unfamiliar words in a dictionary and read
       Text 2 aloud.
                          Aid and Migration (Text 2)
       1. There is a way to equalize world income distribution. 2. It is to permit
free migration between countries. 3. This process was observed in the nineteenth
and early twentieth centuries. 4. Since the Second World War the major
migrations have been temporary. 5. More common has been the use of