Recent developments have combined the benefits of both laminated and
toughened material in that a laminated construction is used, but the sheet next to the
inside of the car is made of toughened glass.
Seats. There are basically two types of seats: bench seats or bucket seats. A
bucket seat is a low, separate seat for one person. Bench seats are a continuous
cushion and backrest across the width of the car (although some vans might have
them running along the length of the van). Bucket seats are single units with a
separation between the left and right seats.
Usually vinyl leather and fabric are used for upholstery. «Flat springs» are used
for comfort. A flat spring is a piece of wire that is bent into a zigzag pattern. Both
ends of the wire are attached to the seat frame, with additional lengths added every
six inches. Foam padding is used to cover the flat springs.
The front seats ride on rails that are bolted to the floor. This arrangement allows
the seats to move backwards and forwards to suit the driver or passenger. The seat
adjustment lever is attached to a latch that fits into teeth along the rail. Moving the
lever releases the seat, and allows the seat to move. At any point of the seat's
movement, releasing the lever engages the latch with one of the teeth. Usually there
is also a pull-spring; this draws the seat forward when the latch is released. The rear
seat usually doesn't move, because it is secured to the floor of the car. Its backrest is
attached to the Partition between the passenger compartment and trunk.
Having an air bag and wearing an effective seat belt offers the best protection of
all. Not only are you protected from frontal crashes by the air bag – you are also
protected y the seat belt in all other types of crashes. The benefits of the three-point
seat belts have been firmly established: over 50% of fatal and serious injuries to car
occupants would be avoided if all occupants wore their seat belts. Most states now
have a law that both passengers and driver must have seat belts buckled while in
motion. Those states which do not enforce a seat belt law for all passengers have an
effective law for children under five years of age to be strapped in.
Упражнение 2. Переведите текст с русского языка с помощью
глоссария, составленного к предыдущему упражнению:
Кузов легкового автомобиля служит для размещения агрегатов и узлов
самого автомобиля и транспортировки пассажиров и багажа. По конструкции
эти кузова делятся на каркасные и бескаркасные. У кузова с несущим
основанием нагрузка распределяется между кузовом и рамой.
При движении автомобиля с большой скоростью значительная часть
мощности двигателя расходуется на преодоление сопротивления воздуха. Для
уменьшения сопротивления кузову предается обтекаемая форма.
По конструкции кузова легковых автомобилей могут быть трехобъёмные,
двухобъемные и однообъемные. У трехобьемного кузова имеется три отсека:
для двигателя, пассажиров и багажа. Такой кузов может быть с двумя или
четырьмя боковыми дверями и называется седан. Двухобъемный кузов с двумя
или четырьмя боковыми дверями и задней дверью – хетчбек (комби). В