Английский язык. - 19 стр.


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Dialogue 2.
Masha: I’d like to clear up some things about higher education in England.
Alice: I’ll do my best to help you.
Masha: What kind of institutes have you got in England?
Alice: I suppose, by «instituteyou mean educational institutions? We
don’t usually call them like that. In Great Britain we have
universities and colleges.
Masha: By the way, what is meant by a «residential» college?
Alice: It’s a college with a hostel, which is usually situated on the same
grounds as the principal building. All the students live in the hostel,
and so do the majority of the teaching staff. There are also many non-
residential colleges, which haven’t got any hostels.
Masha: I see. Now, what is the difference between a university and a
Alice: Well, first of all, the curriculum is different: colleges give a
specialized training, and at a university the curriculum is wider.
University teaching combines lectures, practical classes in scientific
subjects and small group teaching in either seminars or tutorials. The
last is a traditional feature of the universities of Oxford and
Cambridge. The course of studies is longer – three or four years.
Masha: And at a college ?
Alice: It depends on the type of the college. Colleges of education, for
example, have a two-year course, sometimes three, if the student is
specializing in some particular subject.
Masha: Two years only – and you get your diploma! It’s quick, isn’t it?
Alice: Colleges of education, by the way, don’t confer diplomas on their
graduates. They award certificates to them. Diplomas are conferred
on graduates of technical colleges.
Masha: What about universities?
Alice: A university graduate will leave with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts,
Science, Engineering, Medicine, etc.
Masha: Oh, I see. Thank you for the information.
IV. Ask your friend:
- доступно ли высшее образование в России и бесплатно ли оно;
- как рассматривает высшая школа высшее образование;
какая новая система обучения введена в настоящее время;
- какие предметы изучаются студентами 1 и 2-го курсов;
- когда студенты начинают изучать
специальные предметы? Почему
(высшее) образование играет важную роль;
        Dialogue 2.
Masha: I’d like to clear up some things about higher education in England.
Alice: I’ll do my best to help you.
Masha: What kind of institutes have you got in England?
Alice: I suppose, by «institutes» you mean educational institutions? We
        don’t usually call them like that. In Great Britain we have
        universities and colleges.
Masha: By the way, what is meant by a «residential» college?
Alice: It’s a college with a hostel, which is usually situated on the same
        grounds as the principal building. All the students live in the hostel,
        and so do the majority of the teaching staff. There are also many non-
        residential colleges, which haven’t got any hostels.
Masha: I see. Now, what is the difference between a university and a
Alice: Well, first of all, the curriculum is different: colleges give a
        specialized training, and at a university the curriculum is wider.
        University teaching combines lectures, practical classes in scientific
        subjects and small group teaching in either seminars or tutorials. The
        last is a traditional feature of the universities of Oxford and
        Cambridge. The course of studies is longer – three or four years.
Masha: And at a college ?
Alice: It depends on the type of the college. Colleges of education, for
        example, have a two-year course, sometimes three, if the student is
        specializing in some particular subject.
Masha: Two years only – and you get your diploma! It’s quick, isn’t it?
Alice: Colleges of education, by the way, don’t confer diplomas on their
        graduates. They award certificates to them. Diplomas are conferred
        on graduates of technical colleges.
Masha: What about universities?
Alice: A university graduate will leave with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts,
        Science, Engineering, Medicine, etc.
Masha: Oh, I see. Thank you for the information.

IV. Ask your friend:
- доступно ли высшее образование в России и бесплатно ли оно;
- как рассматривает высшая школа высшее образование;
 какая новая система обучения введена в настоящее время;
- какие предметы изучаются студентами 1 и 2-го курсов;
- когда студенты начинают изучать специальные предметы? Почему
  (высшее) образование играет важную роль;


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