Разработка прикладных программ для ОС WINDOWS с помощью интегрированных сред Delphi / C++Builder. Баканов В.М. - 80 стр.



- 80 -
If (Prinfo and RC_BANDING) = 0 then
Strlnfo2 := 'supports banding'
else if (PrInfo and RC_BIGFONT) = 0 then
Strlnfo2 := 'supports fonts larger than 64K'
else if (PrInfo and RC_BITBLT) = 0 then
Strinfo2 := 'transfers bitmaps'
else if (PrInfo and RC_BITMAP64) = 0 then
Strlnfo2 := 'supports bitmaps larger than 64K'
else if (PrInfo and RC_DEVBITS) = 0 then
Strlnfo2 := 'supports device bitmaps'
else if (PrInfo and RC_DI_BITMAP) = 0 then
Strlnfo2 := 'supports the SetDIBits and GetDIBits functions'
else if (PrInfo and RC_DIBTODEV) = 0 then
Strlnfo2 := 'supports the SetDIBItsToDevice function'
else if (Prinfo and RC_FLOODFILL) = 0 then
Strlnfo2 := 'performs flood fills'
else if (Prinfo and RC_GDI20_OUTPUT) = 0 then
Strlnfo2 := 'supports Windows version 2.0 features'
else if (Prinfo and RC_GDI20_STATE) = 0 then
Strlnfo2 := 'includes a state block in the device context'
{else if (Prinfo and RC_NONE) = 0 then
Strlnfo2 := 'supports no raster operations' }
else if (Prinfo and RC_OP_DX_OUTPUT) = 0 then
Strlnfo2 := 'supports dev opaque and DX array'
else if (Prinfo and RC_PALETTE) = 0 then
Strlnfo2 := "specifies a palette-based device"
else if (Prinfo and RC_SAVEBITMAP) = 0 then
Strlnfo2 := 'saves bitmaps locally"
else if (Prinfo and RC_SCALING) = 0 then
Strlnfo2 := "supports scaling"
else if (Prinfo and RC_STRETCHBLT) = 0 then
Strlnfo2 := 'supports the StretchBIt function'
else if (Prinfo and RC_STRETCHDIB) = 0 then
Strlnfo2 := 'supports the StretchDIBits function';
MessageDlg('Лист ПРИНТЕРа : ' +
‘w=' + IntToStr(Printer.PageWidth) +
'; h = ' + IntToStr(Prlnter.PageHeight) +
'w=' +lntToStr(lmage1.Plcture.Width) +
';h=' +lntToStr(lmage1.Picture.Height) +
ТИП УС-ВА ВЫВОДА - • + Strlnfol + CRLF +
ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ -' + Strlnfo2 + CRLF +
lntToStr(GetDevlceCaps(PrDC,Driverversion)) + CRLF +
'БИТОВ НА ПИКСЕЛ-' + IntToStr(GetDeviceCaps(PrDC,BitsPixel))
+ CRLF +
                                      - 80 -

If (Prinfo and RC_BANDING) = 0 then
  Strlnfo2 := 'supports banding'
else if (PrInfo and RC_BIGFONT) = 0 then
  Strlnfo2 := 'supports fonts larger than 64K'
else if (PrInfo and RC_BITBLT) = 0 then
  Strinfo2 := 'transfers bitmaps'
else if (PrInfo and RC_BITMAP64) = 0 then
  Strlnfo2 := 'supports bitmaps larger than 64K'
else if (PrInfo and RC_DEVBITS) = 0 then
  Strlnfo2 := 'supports device bitmaps'
else if (PrInfo and RC_DI_BITMAP) = 0 then
  Strlnfo2 := 'supports the SetDIBits and GetDIBits functions'
else if (PrInfo and RC_DIBTODEV) = 0 then
  Strlnfo2 := 'supports the SetDIBItsToDevice function'
else if (Prinfo and RC_FLOODFILL) = 0 then
  Strlnfo2 := 'performs flood fills'
else if (Prinfo and RC_GDI20_OUTPUT) = 0 then
  Strlnfo2 := 'supports Windows version 2.0 features'
else if (Prinfo and RC_GDI20_STATE) = 0 then
  Strlnfo2 := 'includes a state block in the device context'
{else if (Prinfo and RC_NONE) = 0 then
  Strlnfo2 := 'supports no raster operations' }
else if (Prinfo and RC_OP_DX_OUTPUT) = 0 then
  Strlnfo2 := 'supports dev opaque and DX array'
else if (Prinfo and RC_PALETTE) = 0 then
  Strlnfo2 := "specifies a palette-based device"
else if (Prinfo and RC_SAVEBITMAP) = 0 then
  Strlnfo2 := 'saves bitmaps locally"
else if (Prinfo and RC_SCALING) = 0 then
  Strlnfo2 := "supports scaling"
else if (Prinfo and RC_STRETCHBLT) = 0 then
  Strlnfo2 := 'supports the StretchBIt function'
else if (Prinfo and RC_STRETCHDIB) = 0 then
  Strlnfo2 := 'supports the StretchDIBits function';
  MessageDlg('Лист ПРИНТЕРа : ' +
                 ‘w=' + IntToStr(Printer.PageWidth) +
                 '; h = ' + IntToStr(Prlnter.PageHeight) +
                 CRLF + CRLF +
                 'w=' +lntToStr(lmage1.Plcture.Width) +
                 ';h=' +lntToStr(lmage1.Picture.Height) +
                 CRLF + CRLF +
                 ‘ТИП УС-ВА ВЫВОДА - • + Strlnfol + CRLF +
                 ‘ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ -' + Strlnfo2 + CRLF +
                 'ВЕРСИЯ ДРАЙВЕРА -' +
                 lntToStr(GetDevlceCaps(PrDC,Driverversion)) + CRLF +
                 'БИТОВ НА ПИКСЕЛ-' + IntToStr(GetDeviceCaps(PrDC,BitsPixel))
                     + CRLF +
                 ‘ЧИСЛО ЦВЕТОВ - • +