Business insights. Баутина И.В - 5 стр.


or organization is the person in charge
of it.
11) The … of a company is the most
important working director, and is in
charge of the way the company is
managed. The abbreviation MD is also
12) The … of a company is the person who
has overall responsibility for the
management of that company. The
abbreviation CEO is often used.
13) The … of a company or
organization is a meeting which it holds
once a year in order to discuss the
previous year’s activities and accounts.
AGM is also used.
14) The … are the owners of a
2. Managers and executives in the US. Study the following information about the
strucuture of an American company. Make the organization chart. Compare it with
the organigram of a British company (see SB, p.4). What are the main differences?
Chief executive officer
Chief operating officer
Chief financial officer (CFO)
Vice president (VP)
Vice president (VP) human
Vice president (VP) research
In the US, the top position may be that of a chairman, chairwoman or president. This
job is often combined with the position of a chief executive officer or CEO
. Some
non-executive directors
senior executives / top executives /
executive directors
          general                 or organization is the person in charge
          meeting                 of it.
                              11)        The     of a company is the most
       n. shareholders            important working director, and is in
                                  charge of the way the company is
                                  managed. The abbreviation MD is also
                              12) The      of a company is the person who
                                  has overall responsibility for the
                                  management of that company. The
                                  abbreviation CEO is often used.
                              13)        The         of a company or
                                  organization is a meeting which it holds
                                  once a year in order to discuss the
                                  previous year’s activities and accounts.
                                  AGM is also used.
                              14)        The       are the owners of a

2. Managers and executives in the US. Study the following information about the
strucuture of an American company. Make the organization chart. Compare it with
the organigram of a British company (see SB, p.4). What are the main differences?

  Chief     executive    officer
  Chief     operating    officer
  (COO)                                 non-executive directors

  Chief financial officer (CFO)
  Vice      president       (VP)
  marketing                                  senior executives / top executives /
  Vice president (VP) human                        executive directors
  Vice president (VP) research

In the US, the top position may be that of a chairman, chairwoman or president. This
job is often combined with the position of a chief executive officer or CEO. Some
