Английский для пользователей компьютеров. Ч.1. Белобородова М.Л - 26 стр.


motherboard. A character's 8 bits are stored in a row of chips; the ninth chip holds
the parity bit, which is a 1 or a 0 based on whether the parity scheme is odd or
even. The parity scheme is used to check for errors produced by interferences
with the electrical current.
If you have a microcomputer that needs to have its RAM expanded beyond 640 K
to handle new types of software, you can purchase an add-on board, also called an
expanded memory board, to "plug in" to the motherboard.
In general, a ROM chip stores instructions necessary to tell a computer what to
do when it is first turned on. These instructions are installed by the manufacturer
and generally cannot be changed by the user.
Certain types of ROM chips give users added flexibility. Programmable read-only
memory (PROM) chips allow you to put your own data and programs on them.
Erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) chips can be changed by
using a special ultraviolet light device; however, you have to take EPROM chips
out of the computer to change the data and programs on them. Electrically
erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) chips can be changed
without taking them out of the computer.
The processing power of a computer can be determined using the following
factors: (1) addressing scheme, (2) register size, (3) data bus, (4) clock speed, and
(5) the instruction set
add-on memory board
addressing scheme
closed architecture
open architecture
1. Match the following words with their synonyms marked in the text with bold
keeps, depending upon, to retrieve, cells, purchasing, builds up, receive, costly, in
accordance with, move, for some time.
2. Match each of the following terms to the phrase that is the most closely related
1.machine language, 2. central processing unit, 3. machine cycle, 4.RAM, 5.open
architecture, 6. main memory, 7. arithmetic/logic unit, 8. add-on memory board
9. ROM, 10. microprocessor, 11. register, 12. clock speed, 13. semiconductor,
motherboard. A character's 8 bits are stored in a row of chips; the ninth chip holds
the parity bit, which is a 1 or a 0 based on whether the parity scheme is odd or
even. The parity scheme is used to check for errors produced by interferences
with the electrical current.
If you have a microcomputer that needs to have its RAM expanded beyond 640 K
to handle new types of software, you can purchase an add-on board, also called an
expanded memory board, to "plug in" to the motherboard.
In general, a ROM chip stores instructions necessary to tell a computer what to
do when it is first turned on. These instructions are installed by the manufacturer
and generally cannot be changed by the user.
Certain types of ROM chips give users added flexibility. Programmable read-only
memory (PROM) chips allow you to put your own data and programs on them.
Erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) chips can be changed by
using a special ultraviolet light device; however, you have to take EPROM chips
out of the computer to change the data and programs on them. Electrically
erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) chips can be changed
without taking them out of the computer.
 The processing power of a computer can be determined using the following
factors: (1) addressing scheme, (2) register size, (3) data bus, (4) clock speed, and
(5) the instruction set

add-on memory board
addressing scheme
closed architecture
open architecture


1. Match the following words with their synonyms marked in the text with bold
keeps, depending upon, to retrieve, cells, purchasing, builds up, receive, costly, in
accordance with, move, for some time.

2. Match each of the following terms to the phrase that is the most closely related
1.machine language, 2. central processing unit, 3. machine cycle, 4.RAM, 5.open
architecture, 6. main memory, 7. arithmetic/logic unit, 8. add-on memory board
9. ROM, 10. microprocessor, 11. register, 12. clock speed, 13. semiconductor,