Английский для пользователей компьютеров. Ч.1. Белобородова М.Л - 9 стр.


4. Why do you think many companies spend a lot of money training their
employees how to use computers?
5. What is the meaning of the term connectivity?
6. Recollect the main characteristics of the first generation of computers.
7. Why is it better to have more main memory rather than less?
8. Briefly define hardware and software.
9. What is the purpose of output hardware?
10. What are a few ways that people affect computer operations?
5. Discussion:
1. Speak about the types of computers used where you work or go to school. Are
microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, or all types being used? What are
they being used for?
2. Look in a local newspaper if many current jobs require applicants to be familiar
with using computers. What types of experience are required? If you were now
looking for a job, which types of experience would you want to have?
6. Essays:
Most people interact with a computer several times a day. Write a short report
about how computers (all types) are being used around you. For example, have
you ever used an automatic teller machine? Have you seen someone use a
supermarket scanner? During the course of a few days, take note of how you see
computers being used. In the examples you give, describe why you think a
computer is used.
The Computer-Based Information System
A computer-based information system involves collecting data (input), processing
it into information, and storing the information for future reference and output.
The system, as you remember, has five basic components—hardware, software,
people, procedures, and data/information—and four major phases of activity
input, processing, output, and storage. People are most directly involved during
the input and output phases.
 4. Why do you think many companies spend a lot of money training their
employees how to use computers?
 5. What is the meaning of the term connectivity?
 6. Recollect the main characteristics of the first generation of computers.
 7. Why is it better to have more main memory rather than less?
 8. Briefly define hardware and software.
 9. What is the purpose of output hardware?
 10. What are a few ways that people affect computer operations?

5. Discussion:
1. Speak about the types of computers used where you work or go to school. Are
microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, or all types being used? What are
they being used for?
2. Look in a local newspaper if many current jobs require applicants to be familiar
with using computers. What types of experience are required? If you were now
looking for a job, which types of experience would you want to have?

6. Essays:
Most people interact with a computer several times a day. Write a short report
about how computers (all types) are being used around you. For example, have
you ever used an automatic teller machine? Have you seen someone use a
supermarket scanner? During the course of a few days, take note of how you see
computers being used. In the examples you give, describe why you think a
computer is used.

                                      UNIT 2

                    The Computer-Based Information System

A computer-based information system involves collecting data (input), processing
it into information, and storing the information for future reference and output.
The system, as you remember, has five basic components—hardware, software,
people, procedures, and data/information—and four major phases of activity—
input, processing, output, and storage. People are most directly involved during
the input and output phases.