Focus on nominals: practice grammar book for intermediate learners of English. Бочарова М.В - 25 стр.


1.3.1. SOME and ANY
TASK 35. SOME or ANY? Make mini conversations with the prompts below.
E.g. – Do you have any
coffee or tea? – I have some coffee, but I don’t have any
: milk or cream; lemons or limes; rice or potatoes; butter or margarine;
sugar or honey; beer or lemonade; apples or oranges; ham or cheese; jam or
marmalade; fish or meat; olives or peas; cucumbers or tomatoes…
TASK 36. The Snowball. ‘
What is in your kitchen store/ fridge/ wardrobe…?’
Start off with a sentence such as In my kitchen store there is / I have a carrot
The first student continues: In my kitchen store I have a carrot and some sugar
The second student repeats In my kitchen store I have a carrot and some sugar
and adds, e.g. …and some eggs,
Or you could start as follows: In my wardrobe I have a pair of jeans...
TASK 37. Which question would you ask? ‘Can I have/borrow A… /
SOME….?’ Practice in pairs.
E.g. – Can I have some
cake? – Here’s a nice piece for you.
– Can I have a chocolate
? – Of course, help yourself.
: iron, paper, pepper, glass, drink, cloth, cake, chicken, salt, sugar, fish,
eraser, envelope, stamp, wood, onion, toast, rice, marmalade, jam, ham, egg, butter,
pizza, chocolate, ketchup, honey, beer, lemonade, coke, lemon, ice-cream.
TASK 38. Fill in the gaps with SOME or ANY, where appropriate. Can you ex-
plain why some of them have to be left blank?
1. This car hardly uses ______petrol.
2. This car doesn’t use______petrol, it’s battery-powered.
                               1.3.1. SOME and ANY

TASK 35. SOME or ANY? Make mini conversations with the prompts below.
E.g. – Do you have any coffee or tea? – I have some coffee, but I don’t have any
Prompts: milk or cream; lemons or limes; rice or potatoes; butter or margarine;
sugar or honey; beer or lemonade; apples or oranges; ham or cheese; jam or
marmalade; fish or meat; olives or peas; cucumbers or tomatoes

TASK 36. The Snowball. ‘What is in your kitchen store/ fridge/ wardrobe         ?’
Start off with a sentence such as In my kitchen store there is / I have a carrot.
The first student continues: In my kitchen store I have a carrot and some sugar.
The second student repeats In my kitchen store I have a carrot and some sugar
and adds, e.g.    and some eggs, etc.
Or you could start as follows: In my wardrobe I have a pair of jeans...

TASK 37. Which question would you ask? ‘Can I have/borrow A             /
SOME       .?’ Practice in pairs.
E.g. – Can I have some cake? – Here’s a nice piece for you.
       – Can I have a chocolate? – Of course, help yourself.

Prompts: iron, paper, pepper, glass, drink, cloth, cake, chicken, salt, sugar, fish,
eraser, envelope, stamp, wood, onion, toast, rice, marmalade, jam, ham, egg, butter,
pizza, chocolate, ketchup, honey, beer, lemonade, coke, lemon, ice-cream.

TASK 38. Fill in the gaps with SOME or ANY, where appropriate. Can you ex-
plain why some of them have to be left blank?
   1. This car hardly uses ______petrol.
   2. This car doesn’t use______petrol, it’s battery-powered.