Focus on nominals: practice grammar book for intermediate learners of English. Бочарова М.В - 33 стр.


TASK 49. Oral work. Use MANY or MUCH with the following words, chang-
ing the words to plural if necessary. Think of appropriate contexts.
E.g. There’s not much news to share with you.
1. furniture
2. desk
3. branch
4. equipment
5. woman
6. mouse
7. advice
8. sheep
9. homework
10. goose
11. suggestion
12. description
13. popcorn
14. food
15. music
16. knowledge
17. marriage
18. information
19. news
20. mail
21. shelf
22. tooth
23. knife
24. pea
25. lettuce
26. pasta
27. advice
TASK 50. Homework
. Prepare to take part in a role play.
One student is a seller and the other is a buyer. The seller has eight pictures with
the names of items to sell. The buyer has a shopping list with ten items to buy.
Prepare the pictures and act out a dialogue.
E.g. – Do you have any
– Yes, how many
did you want / do you need?
– A pound, please.
– Here you are.
Or – No, I’m sorry. I don’t have any
TASK 51. Substitute LITTLE, A LITTLE, FEW, A FEW for the underlined
words. Which of these quantifiers express a negative meaning? Translate into
1. There are several
things we have to talk about.
2. A lot of food was prepared but hardly any
of it was eaten.
3. Would you like some
more cake?
4. There are not many
people who can be trusted any more.
TASK 49. Oral work. Use MANY or MUCH with the following words, chang-
ing the words to plural if necessary. Think of appropriate contexts.
E.g. There’s not much news to share with you.
           1. furniture                        15. music
           2. desk                             16. knowledge
           3. branch                           17. marriage
           4. equipment                        18. information
           5. woman                            19. news
           6. mouse                            20. mail
           7. advice                           21. shelf
           8. sheep                            22. tooth
           9. homework                         23. knife
           10. goose                           24. pea
           11. suggestion                      25. lettuce
           12. description                     26. pasta
           13. popcorn                         27. advice
           14. food

TASK 50. Homework. Prepare to take part in a role play.
One student is a seller and the other is a buyer. The seller has eight pictures with
the names of items to sell. The buyer has a shopping list with ten items to buy.
Prepare the pictures and act out a dialogue.
E.g. – Do you have any apples?
     – Yes, how many did you want / do you need?
     – A pound, please.
     – Here you are.
Or – No, I’m sorry. I don’t have any.

TASK 51. Substitute LITTLE, A LITTLE, FEW, A FEW for the underlined
words. Which of these quantifiers express a negative meaning? Translate into
    1. There are several things we have to talk about.
    2. A lot of food was prepared but hardly any of it was eaten.
    3. Would you like some more cake?
    4. There are not many people who can be trusted any more.
