Focus on nominals: practice grammar book for intermediate learners of English. Бочарова М.В - 79 стр.


able, new, easy, cruel, polite, simple, lucky, tiny, busy, pretty, fashionable, real,
wrong, safe, wise, free, clear.
TASK 105. Complete Betty’s letter using the adjectives from the list in the cor-
rect form of comparison.
Long, warm, nice, old, busy, good, happy, easy, slow, old, fast, enjoyable.
Dear Paul,
I’m finally now in London, after the 1.… train ride I’ve ever had. It’s 2.… than
I expected. The city is 3….than Birmingham and the buildings are 4… . We’re
staying in the 5. … hotel I’ve ever seen but it has the 6….service. John is 7. …
than he’s been for a long time. It’s 8…. to get around than I had imagined but
it’s a good idea to avoid the Northern Line on the tube because it’s the 9. …one.
Tomorrow, we’re going to visit Eton College, the 10….school in England.
We’re going to travel by train because it’s the 11… and the 12….way to get
there. Bye for now.
TASK 106. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms and than where appropriate.
What was life like when I was a girl? Well, I think it was 1._____(good)
____life now. It was 2.______(good) time of my life. When I was
3.____(young), people were 4._______(happy), and 5.____(polite)____they are
now. Also, things were 6.____(cheap) and money lasted a lot
7.________(long)______nowadays. Some say that life is 8.________(exciting)
nowadays. It’s true that you can travel 9.________(far) and
10.________(fast)________when I was a girl and there’s a lot
11.________(much) choice of entertainment. But on the whole, I think life is
much 12.______(bad) nowadays.
able, new, easy, cruel, polite, simple, lucky, tiny, busy, pretty, fashionable, real,
wrong, safe, wise, free, clear.

TASK 105. Complete Betty’s letter using the adjectives from the list in the cor-
rect form of comparison.
   Long, warm, nice, old, busy, good, happy, easy, slow, old, fast, enjoyable.
Dear Paul,
I’m finally now in London, after the 1.             train ride I’ve ever had. It’s 2.         than
I expected. The city is 3      .than Birmingham and the buildings are 4                  . We’re
staying in the 5.      hotel I’ve ever seen but it has the 6             .service. John is 7.
than he’s been for a long time. It’s 8          . to get around than I had imagined but
it’s a good idea to avoid the Northern Line on the tube because it’s the 9.                   one.
Tomorrow, we’re going to visit Eton College, the 10                        .school in England.
We’re going to travel by train because it’s the 11                     and the 12   .way to get
there. Bye for now.

TASK 106. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms and than where appropriate.
       What was life like when I was a girl? Well, I think it was 1._____(good)
____life now. It was 2.______(good) time of my life. When I was
3.____(young), people were 4._______(happy), and 5.____(polite)____they are
now.    Also,     things      were     6.____(cheap)           and     money    lasted    a     lot
7.________(long)______nowadays. Some say that life is 8.________(exciting)
nowadays.       It’s   true     that     you        can       travel    9.________(far)       and
10.________(fast)________when             I     was       a     girl     and   there’s    a     lot
11.________(much) choice of entertainment. But on the whole, I think life is
much 12.______(bad) nowadays.
