Theoretical English Grammar. Part 1. Morphology. Бочарова М.В. - 44 стр.



9) Which groups of English word are classed as Function Words? How are
they different from Content words?
10) What are the specific defining characteristics of the English Article? Does
the Russian language have its counterpart as a grammatical means in the
Category of Definiteness/ Indefiniteness?
11) Prepositions and Conjunction: similarities and differences.
12) What are the major distinctive characteristics of the morphological system
of English? Does the Russian language have any similar characteristics?
1. Morphology: its objectives, subdivisions within Morphology, types of lan-
guage unit(s) studied.
2. The problem of classifying words into parts of speech. The Field structure of
a part pf speech.
3. Notional parts of speech vs. Function words.
4. The Noun: Defining characteristics of the class. The Field Structure of the
class of Nouns.
5. The category of Number of the Noun in the functional semantic field of
6. The Noun. The problem of the category of Case.
7. The Verb: Defining characteristics of the class. Classifications of verbs.
8. The Verb. The category of Tense in the functional semantic field of Tempo-
rality. Neutralisation of the opposition within the category.
9. The Verb. The category of Correlation. Neutralisation of the opposition
within the category.
10. The Verb. The category of Aspect in the functional semantic field of Aspec-
tuality. Neutralisation of the opposition within the category.
11. The Verb. The category of Voice in the functional semantic field of Direc-
9)    Which groups of English word are classed as Function Words? How are
      they different from Content words?
10) What are the specific defining characteristics of the English Article? Does
      the Russian language have its counterpart as a grammatical means in the
      Category of Definiteness/ Indefiniteness?
11) Prepositions and Conjunction: similarities and differences.
12) What are the major distinctive characteristics of the morphological system
      of English? Does the Russian language have any similar characteristics?

1. Morphology: its objectives, subdivisions within Morphology, types of lan-
     guage unit(s) studied.
2. The problem of classifying words into parts of speech. The Field structure of
     a part pf speech.
3. Notional parts of speech vs. Function words.
4. The Noun: Defining characteristics of the class. The Field Structure of the
     class of Nouns.
5. The category of Number of the Noun in the functional semantic field of
6. The Noun. The problem of the category of Case.
7. The Verb: Defining characteristics of the class. Classifications of verbs.
8. The Verb. The category of Tense in the functional semantic field of Tempo-
     rality. Neutralisation of the opposition within the category.
9. The Verb. The category of Correlation. Neutralisation of the opposition
     within the category.
10. The Verb. The category of Aspect in the functional semantic field of Aspec-
     tuality. Neutralisation of the opposition within the category.
11. The Verb. The category of Voice in the functional semantic field of Direc-
