Theoretical phonetics. Study guide for second year students. Борискина О.О - 4 стр.


To the Student
The Study Guide has three aims: (1) to help Russian learners of English
specializing in Cross-cultural Communication organize their Self-study sessions
by learning and using the fundamental principles of Phonetics and the
Phonological system of the English language (as lingua franca), and by
understanding the basic segmental and suprasegmental linguistic phenomena
involved in constructing spoken English, (2) to provide access to different
scholars’ opinions on phonetic phenomena in excerpts of Selection of Reading
Materials Packet which are not otherwise available, and (3) to develop practical
segmental and prosodic analysis skills through fluency-oriented tasks, leading to
better performance in interactive situations and in decision-making about the
diagnosis and treatment of pronunciation and spelling issues in TESL/TEFL.
Course Description
More specifically, the Course of Theoretical and Applied Phonetics
introduces students to the International Phonetic Alphabet and other popular
transcription systems, to the syllabic structure of English, the distribution of
stress within a word, the consonant and vowel systems and the suprasegmentals,
such as intonation in the broad sense of the word and rhythm.
The course is taught through lectures, class discussions, practical tasks,
laboratory sessions, oral presentations, dramatic readings of literature excerpts
(reciting poetry), essays and project work.
The course is intended:
to build upon the students' knowledge of English grammar (spelling and
punctuation) with relevance to phonetic phenomena;
to facilitate the students’ ability to approach discourse-oriented objectives
with regard to key concepts of Phonetics;
to increase interest, motivation and raise the confidence of the students in
applying the concepts of Theoretical Phonetics to a variety of practical tasks,
including language teaching;
to highlight information management and conversation management
functions of suprasegmental phonetics which may reveal the speaker's social
identity, the speaker-listener relationship, degree of interest or involvement in
the discourse: reticence, assertiveness, concern, sarcasm, surprise, etc.
To successfully complete the course, students are required:
to participate in class discussions (20 % of the final grade) demonstrating an
appropriate level of understanding of the considered issues and an ability to
reinforce arguments with illustrations;
to complete laboratories (20 % of the final grade);
to complete a final assignment
(20 % of the final grade) which involves
transcribing a recording of a 50-word authentic conversation in English on a
tape, and analysing all the phonetic phenomena (modifications,
suprasegmentals, type and style of English) found in it, specifying intonation
groups, prominent and tonic syllables and the intonation patterns used. The
To the Student
       The Study Guide has three aims: (1) to help Russian learners of English
specializing in Cross-cultural Communication organize their Self-study sessions
by learning and using the fundamental principles of Phonetics and the
Phonological system of the English language (as lingua franca), and by
understanding the basic segmental and suprasegmental linguistic phenomena
involved in constructing spoken English, (2) to provide access to different
scholars’ opinions on phonetic phenomena in excerpts of Selection of Reading
Materials Packet which are not otherwise available, and (3) to develop practical
segmental and prosodic analysis skills through fluency-oriented tasks, leading to
better performance in interactive situations and in decision-making about the
diagnosis and treatment of pronunciation and spelling issues in TESL/TEFL.
Course Description
       More specifically, the Course of Theoretical and Applied Phonetics
introduces students to the International Phonetic Alphabet and other popular
transcription systems, to the syllabic structure of English, the distribution of
stress within a word, the consonant and vowel systems and the suprasegmentals,
such as intonation in the broad sense of the word and rhythm.
The course is taught through lectures, class discussions, practical tasks,
laboratory sessions, oral presentations, dramatic readings of literature excerpts
(reciting poetry), essays and project work.
The course is intended:
• to build upon the students' knowledge of English grammar (spelling and
punctuation) with relevance to phonetic phenomena;
• to facilitate the students’ ability to approach discourse-oriented objectives
with regard to key concepts of Phonetics;
• to increase interest, motivation and raise the confidence of the students in
applying the concepts of Theoretical Phonetics to a variety of practical tasks,
including language teaching;
• to highlight information management and conversation management
functions of suprasegmental phonetics which may reveal the speaker's social
identity, the speaker-listener relationship, degree of interest or involvement in
the discourse: reticence, assertiveness, concern, sarcasm, surprise, etc.
To successfully complete the course, students are required:
• to participate in class discussions (20 % of the final grade) demonstrating an
appropriate level of understanding of the considered issues and an ability to
reinforce arguments with illustrations;
• to complete laboratories (20 % of the final grade);
• to complete a final assignment (20 % of the final grade) which involves
transcribing a recording of a 50-word authentic conversation in English on a
tape, and analysing           all the phonetic phenomena (modifications,
suprasegmentals, type and style of English) found in it, specifying intonation
groups, prominent and tonic syllables and the intonation patterns used. The