Сборник текстов для перевода. Борисова Л.А. - 9 стр.



puted states in central Sudan, the percentages of power that each party could
exercise in the future, as well as the religious status of the capital Khartoum.
It was not until January 9, 2005 that a comprehensive peace agreement
was signed. The Sudanese government and the Sudan People's Liberation
Movement (SPLM) not only agreed on ending the conflict itself, but also on a
power-sharing government between the national government and the southern
provinces. They are to equally share much of the oil revenue and southerners
are granted with some autonomy for an initial six-year transition period until
they hold a referendum for independence.
2. The War in the Darfur Region
As the North and South conflict was coming to an end, the war in Dar-
fur began in February 2003 as the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) and then Jus-
tice and Equality Movement (JEM) forces attacked government military facili-
ties in response to political marginalization and economic neglect during the
North-South conflict. They called for a share in Sudan's natural resources and
to have a voice in political decisions that concerned them. The Government
forces and local militias responded by attacking villages throughout the Darfur
region. Ever since the conflict began, according to the World Health Organiza-
tion, the Government of Sudan has mounted a campaign of ethnic cleansing
that has killed more than 70,000 civilians, caused millions to flee their homes,
and wrought untold devastation. The Government is also alleged to be respon-
sible for significantly arming and supporting the janjaweed militias who have
engaged in killings, abductions, forced expulsions, systematic sexual vio-
lence, and deliberation destruction of crops, livestock and important cultural
and religious sites.
Systems of law
Each country in the world has its own system of law. However, it is gen-
erally true to say that there are two main traditions of the law in the world. One
is based on English Common law, and has been adopted by many Common-
wealth countries and most of the United States. The other tradition, sometimes
known as Continental, or Roman law, has developed in most of continental
Europe, Latin America and many countries in Asia and Africa which have been
strongly influenced by Europe.
Common law, or case law systems, particularly that of England, differ
from Continental law in having developed regularly throughout history, not as
the result of government attempts to define or codify every legal relation. Cus-
toms and court rulings have been as important as statutes (government legisla-
puted states in central Sudan, the percentages of power that each party could
exercise in the future, as well as the religious status of the capital Khartoum.
      It was not until January 9, 2005 that a comprehensive peace agreement
was signed. The Sudanese government and the Sudan People's Liberation
Movement (SPLM) not only agreed on ending the conflict itself, but also on a
power-sharing government between the national government and the southern
provinces. They are to equally share much of the oil revenue and southerners
are granted with some autonomy for an initial six-year transition period until
they hold a referendum for independence.

       2.     The War in the Darfur Region
       As the North and South conflict was coming to an end, the war in Dar-
fur began in February 2003 as the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) and then Jus-
tice and Equality Movement (JEM) forces attacked government military facili-
ties in response to political marginalization and economic neglect during the
North-South conflict. They called for a share in Sudan's natural resources and
to have a voice in political decisions that concerned them. The Government
forces and local militias responded by attacking villages throughout the Darfur
region. Ever since the conflict began, according to the World Health Organiza-
tion, the Government of Sudan has mounted a campaign of ethnic cleansing
that has killed more than 70,000 civilians, caused millions to flee their homes,
and wrought untold devastation. The Government is also alleged to be respon-
sible for significantly arming and supporting the janjaweed militias who have
engaged in killings, abductions, forced expulsions, systematic sexual vio-
lence, and deliberation destruction of crops, livestock and important cultural
and religious sites.

                                        TEXT 6

                                    Systems of law

       Each country in the world has its own system of law. However, it is gen-
erally true to say that there are two main traditions of the law in the world. One
is based on English Common law, and has been adopted by many Common-
wealth countries and most of the United States. The other tradition, sometimes
known as Continental, or Roman law, has developed in most of continental
Europe, Latin America and many countries in Asia and Africa which have been
strongly influenced by Europe.
       Common law, or case law systems, particularly that of England, differ
from Continental law in having developed regularly throughout history, not as
the result of government attempts to define or codify every legal relation. Cus-
toms and court rulings have been as important as statutes (government legisla-
