Speaking legal English. Борисова Л.А. - 15 стр.



1. Congress has not yet seen fit to ______ on the US invasion of Panama.
2. Do heads of state in office ____ from jurisdiction for international
3. In a ______ Umalatova's proposal was defeated by 1,288 to 426.
4. In 1988 the Kenyan government openly considered abolishing the
______ in order to dissuade opposition voters from declaring their
5. Legislative power is vested in a bicameral Parliament, the _______ of
which is popularly elected for up to five years.
6. On Nov. 22 both the House and the Senate approved by _____
legislation embodying the proposals.
7. Right I'm, I'm now going to _____ on amendment one.
8. The governing council of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
agreed on Tuesday to ____ a special ____.
9. The Italian Republic has a _______ elected by universal adult suffrage
using proportional representation.
The Lower House of Parliament is expected to ____ its extraordinary
____ early next month to discuss a number of draft laws and other
outstanding issues.
11. Thank you for your willingness to _____ at the upcoming meeting.
12. The Secretary of State Kenneth Baker _______ in 1957, charged with
the task of examining A levels.
13. The State Council was expanded to form an ______ half of whose
members were appointed by the Tsar and half elected.
Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps in the following texts with one word. The first
letter has been given.
Text 1
The British Parliament consists of the House of Lords and the House of
Commons and the Q_____ as its head.
The House of Commons plays the major role in l_____. It consists of 650
Members of Parliament (MPs), each of whom r_____ an area in England,
Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. MPs are e_____ either at general election
or at by-election after the death or retirement of an MP.
Parliamentary elections must be h___ every 5 years, but the P______ can
decide on the exact date within those five years. The minimum voting age is 18,
and the voting is taken by s___ b____.
The election campaign lasts about three weeks. The election is decided on
a simple m_____ and an MP who wins by a small number of votes may have
more votes against him (i.e. for the other candidates) than for him. Many people
think it is unfair because the wishes of those who voted for the unsuccessful
candidates are not represented at all.
      1. Congress has not yet seen fit to ______ on the US invasion of Panama.
      2. Do heads of state in office ____ from jurisdiction for international
      3. In a ______ Umalatova's proposal was defeated by 1,288 to 426.
      4. In 1988 the Kenyan government openly considered abolishing the
         ______ in order to dissuade opposition voters from declaring their
      5. Legislative power is vested in a bicameral Parliament, the _______ of
         which is popularly elected for up to five years.
      6. On Nov. 22 both the House and the Senate approved by _____
         legislation embodying the proposals.
      7. Right I'm, I'm now going to _____ on amendment one.
      8. The governing council of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
         agreed on Tuesday to ____ a special ____.
      9. The Italian Republic has a _______ elected by universal adult suffrage
         using proportional representation.
      10. The Lower House of Parliament is expected to ____ its extraordinary
         ____ early next month to discuss a number of draft laws and other
         outstanding issues.
      11. Thank you for your willingness to _____ at the upcoming meeting.
      12. The Secretary of State Kenneth Baker _______ in 1957, charged with
         the task of examining A levels.
      13. The State Council was expanded to form an ______ half of whose
         members were appointed by the Tsar and half elected.

       Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps in the following texts with one word. The first
letter has been given.

       Text 1
       The British Parliament consists of the House of Lords and the House of
Commons and the Q_____ as its head.
       The House of Commons plays the major role in l_____. It consists of 650
Members of Parliament (MPs), each of whom r_____ an area in England,
Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. MPs are e_____ either at general election
or at by-election after the death or retirement of an MP.
       Parliamentary elections must be h___ every 5 years, but the P______ can
decide on the exact date within those five years. The minimum voting age is 18,
and the voting is taken by s___ b____.
       The election campaign lasts about three weeks. The election is decided on
a simple m_____ and an MP who wins by a small number of votes may have
more votes against him (i.e. for the other candidates) than for him. Many people
think it is unfair because the wishes of those who voted for the unsuccessful
candidates are not represented at all.