Speaking legal English. Борисова Л.А. - 53 стр.



4. The Department of the Environment admits it is almost impossible to
_____ the calibre of inspectors it wants on salaries starting at about
5. _______ in manufacturing, in particular, are likely to decline.
6. The existing law provided that it was automatically unfair to _____
anyone for not being a union member.
7. The _______ include free health insurance.
8. Government plans to reduce and, in some cases, stop _______
payments for thousands of people provoked a political storm last night.
9. More than half the adult population receive ________ grants or
pensions from the government.
10. The numbers of ________ foreigners are estimated to have increased
five-fold last year.
11. Price Waterhouse has already ____ about 320 ______ since the start of
the recession.
12. Regulations from Brussels deal with a vast range of topics such as ___,
industrial safety, social security, immigration, taxation and others.
13. Since April 1986, the whole of the twenty-eight weeks of _______ has
been the responsibility of employers.
14. ________ engineers and scientists and technicians are mainly engaged
upon fixed contracts.
15. The ______ threatened strike action if its demands were not met.
16. The travel agent recommended that I take out travel ____.
17. Under common law, an _____ is by its nature a contract for personal
18. We employ five _______ receptionists.
19. The ____ last month was unchanged from the February level of 7.3 %.
20. With ________ included their income has been increased from
£124.20 to £148.62 a week.
Exercise 2. What issues does labour/ employment law cover?
Exercise 3. Answer the questions.
1. If you were about to sign an employment contract what clauses would
you check for?
2. What rights do employees have?
3. What are the functions of trade unions?
4. What might be done to decrease unemployment rate?
5. How much should minimum wages be?
6. How long should vacations last?
7. Should children be allowed to work?
4. The Department of the Environment admits it is almost impossible to
    _____ the calibre of inspectors it wants on salaries starting at about
5. _______ in manufacturing, in particular, are likely to decline.
6. The existing law provided that it was automatically unfair to _____
    anyone for not being a union member.
7. The _______ include free health insurance.
8. Government plans to reduce and, in some cases, stop _______
    payments for thousands of people provoked a political storm last night.
9. More than half the adult population receive ________ grants or
    pensions from the government.
10. The numbers of ________ foreigners are estimated to have increased
    five-fold last year.
11. Price Waterhouse has already ____ about 320 ______ since the start of
    the recession.
12. Regulations from Brussels deal with a vast range of topics such as ___,
    industrial safety, social security, immigration, taxation and others.
13. Since April 1986, the whole of the twenty-eight weeks of _______ has
    been the responsibility of employers.
14. ________ engineers and scientists and technicians are mainly engaged
    upon fixed contracts.
15. The ______ threatened strike action if its demands were not met.
16. The travel agent recommended that I take out travel ____.
17. Under common law, an _____ is by its nature a contract for personal
18. We employ five _______ receptionists.
19. The ____ last month was unchanged from the February level of 7.3 %.
20. With ________ included their income has been increased from
    £124.20 to £148.62 a week.

Exercise 2. What issues does labour/ employment law cover?

Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

1. If you were about to sign an employment contract what clauses would
   you check for?
2. What rights do employees have?
3. What are the functions of trade unions?
4. What might be done to decrease unemployment rate?
5. How much should minimum wages be?
6. How long should vacations last?
7. Should children be allowed to work?