Speaking legal English. Борисова Л.А. - 8 стр.



Law School Admission Test (LSAT)
4-year undergraduate course Bachelor’s
in an undergraduate institution degree
3-year course at an ABA law school JD
ABA exams license
Exercise 3. Write a similar scheme about legal education in the Russian
Exercise 4. Match the duties of barristers and solicitors.
1. Advise clients on legal and financial matters.
2. Arrange for witnesses to be present and documents to be submitted.
3. Are contractually bound to their clients.
4. Are not bound in contract with their clients.
5. Are not paid directly by clients.
6. Can practise either alone or in partnerships.
7. Cannot advertise, form partnerships, share profits.
8. Can appear in the county and magistrates’ courts.
9. Can appear in the Crown Court on an appeal from the magistrates’
10. Cannot appear in the Crown Court on an appeal from the magistrates’
11. Have the right to be heard in the House of Lords, the Court of Appeal,
the High Court.
12. Can appear in the High Court in bankruptcy matters.
13. Cannot be sued for negligence.
14. Can be sued for negligence.
15. Check title to land.
16. Draw up wills.
17. Must draw all relevant material to the attention of the court.
18. Cannot be forced to reveal what a client has told.

           4-year undergraduate course                             Bachelor’s
           in an undergraduate institution                          degree

                         Law School Admission Test (LSAT)

            3-year course at an ABA law school                       JD

                       ABA exams                          license

      Exercise 3. Write a similar scheme about legal education in the Russian

      Exercise 4. Match the duties of barristers and solicitors.

      1.  Advise clients on legal and financial matters.
      2.  Arrange for witnesses to be present and documents to be submitted.
      3.  Are contractually bound to their clients.
      4.  Are not bound in contract with their clients.
      5.  Are not paid directly by clients.
      6.  Can practise either alone or in partnerships.
      7.  Cannot advertise, form partnerships, share profits.
      8.  Can appear in the county and magistrates’ courts.
      9.  Can appear in the Crown Court on an appeal from the magistrates’
      10. Cannot appear in the Crown Court on an appeal from the magistrates’
      11. Have the right to be heard in the House of Lords, the Court of Appeal,
          the High Court.
      12. Can appear in the High Court in bankruptcy matters.
      13. Cannot be sued for negligence.
      14. Can be sued for negligence.
      15. Check title to land.
      16. Draw up wills.
      17. Must draw all relevant material to the attention of the court.
      18. Cannot be forced to reveal what a client has told.