How to Discuss a Story. Бунеева И.М - 21 стр.


a. Listen to the story once to answer the following questions
1. Why was the womans husband no match for her?
2. What happened to him after their marriage?
3. What did the lady do when her husband fell ill?
4. What was her behaviour like when he died?
5. Where did she decide to move after her husbands death?
6. What kind of place was it?
7. How did the lady and her servants feel in that country house?
8. What did she do every evening before going to bed?
9. What happened one evening when she was arranging her hair?
10.What did she think when she hared her sigh re-echoed?
11.What did she feel when she saw one of the eves of the portrait move and give
her a wink?
12.How did she make sure that she was not mistaken?
13.What did she decide to do?
14.What happened when she walked out of the room?
15.What did she order her servants to do when they came back to her bedroom?
16.What did the black-bearded man confess?
17.How did he get to know about the hiding place?
18.Why didnt the lady send for the police?
19.What did she order to do to teach the thief a lesson?
20.How did that adventure influence the lady?
a. Listen to the story another time. Are these statements true or false?
Give reasons
1. After the husbands death the woman demonstrated her sorrow to everyone.
2. The lady decided to move to Derbyshire right after her husbands death.
3. She kept her money and jewels in a little box in a hiding place.
4. When sitting by the toilet table the lady heard her sigh re-echoed it gave her
a shock.
5. When the portrait seemed to give her a wink, the lady got really frightened,
but, next moment, managed to take herself in hands.
6. When the lady overturned the box, she began hurriedly to pick up the
articles from the floor.



   a. Listen to the story once to answer the following questions
1. Why was the woman’s husband no match for her?
2. What happened to him after their marriage?
3. What did the lady do when her husband fell ill?
4. What was her behaviour like when he died?
5. Where did she decide to move after her husband’s death?
6. What kind of place was it?
7. How did the lady and her servants feel in that country house?
8. What did she do every evening before going to bed?
9. What happened one evening when she was arranging her hair?
10.What did she think when she hared her sigh re-echoed?
11.What did she feel when she saw one of the eves of the portrait move and give
her a wink?
12.How did she make sure that she was not mistaken?
13.What did she decide to do?
14.What happened when she walked out of the room?
15.What did she order her servants to do when they came back to her bedroom?
16.What did the black-bearded man confess?
17.How did he get to know about the hiding place?
18.Why didn’t the lady send for the police?
19.What did she order to do to teach the thief a lesson?
20.How did that adventure influence the lady?


   a. Listen to the story another time. Are these statements true or false?
       Give reasons
 1. After the husband’s death the woman demonstrated her sorrow to everyone.
 2. The lady decided to move to Derbyshire right after her husband’s death.
 3. She kept her money and jewels in a little box in a hiding place.
 4. When sitting by the toilet table the lady heard her sigh re-echoed it gave her
     a shock.
 5. When the portrait seemed to give her a wink, the lady got really frightened,
     but, next moment, managed to take herself in hands.
 6. When the lady overturned the box, she began hurriedly to pick up the
     articles from the floor.