How to Discuss a Story. Бунеева И.М - 35 стр.


3. Was that man a rich and respectable person? What comparison does the
author use to show the mans social position?
4. Who came and sat on the bench after the elderly man had gone? Was that
person happy? Explain why or why not.
5. What story did the young man tell Gortsby?
6. Did Gortsby believe the young man? Justify your answer.
7. Did, in Gortsbys view, the boys story have any weak points?
8. What Gortsbys remark made the young man go away quickly?
9. What did Gortsby suddenly find and what did he do?
10. Was it easy to find the young man? Where did Gortsby overtake him?
11. What did the two man talk about?
12. What help did Gortsby offer him?
13. What was Gortsby thinking about passing by the bench where he had sat?
14. Whom did he suddenly see?
15. What was the man doing?
16. What did the elderly man say he had lost?
a. Listen to the story another time. Are these statements true or false?
Give reasons
1. It was getting dark when Gortsby was sitting on a bench in the park.
2. The elderly gentleman sitting by his side was a musician in an orchestra.
3. The young man who sat down on the bench wanted to attract Gortsbys
4. The young man was wearing a light overcoat.
5. Gortsby believed the boys story at once because the same thing had
happened to him in a foreign capital.
6. Having found that piece of soap Gortsby decided to help the young man.
7. The young man promised to return the money next week.
b. Explain the words and expressions given in part I and reproduce the
situations in which they were used
a. Retell the story as close to the text as you can
b. Talking points
1. What time of the day is called dusk? Can you see in the dusk as clearly as in
broad daylight?

3. Was that man a rich and respectable person? What comparison does the
    author use to show the man’s social position?
4. Who came and sat on the bench after the elderly man had gone? Was that
    person happy? Explain why or why not.
5. What story did the young man tell Gortsby?
6. Did Gortsby believe the young man? Justify your answer.
7. Did, in Gortsby’s view, the boy’s story have any weak points?
8. What Gortsby’s remark made the young man go away quickly?
9. What did Gortsby suddenly find and what did he do?
10. Was it easy to find the young man? Where did Gortsby overtake him?
11. What did the two man talk about?
12. What help did Gortsby offer him?
13. What was Gortsby thinking about passing by the bench where he had sat?
14.Whom did he suddenly see?
15. What was the man doing?
16. What did the elderly man say he had lost?


     a. Listen to the story another time. Are these statements true or false?
         Give reasons
1.   It was getting dark when Gortsby was sitting on a bench in the park.
2.   The elderly gentleman sitting by his side was a musician in an orchestra.
3.   The young man who sat down on the bench wanted to attract Gortsby’s
4.   The young man was wearing a light overcoat.
5.   Gortsby believed the boy’s story at once because the same thing had
     happened to him in a foreign capital.
6.   Having found that piece of soap Gortsby decided to help the young man.
7.   The young man promised to return the money next week.

     b. Explain the words and expressions given in part I and reproduce the
        situations in which they were used


        a. Retell the story as close to the text as you can

      b. Talking points
1. What time of the day is called dusk? Can you see in the dusk as clearly as in
   broad daylight?