How to Discuss a Story. Бунеева И.М - 45 стр.


3. What can you say about Alices appearance and character? Do you believe
her when she says she is fond of the country? Give reasons to justify your
4. Why did the pup bite the girl on the leg? Was he jealous? Did the pup like
Alice as much as his master when she arrived?
5. Steve understood that the dog was a nuisance. Why didnt he leave the dog at
the sheep station?
6. In your view, is it a humorous story? Why? What did Jack mean saying to
Steve about the pup You took him for better or for worse? Usually these
words are connected with marriage. What effect does this expression produce
in this situation?
7. Can you remember any other stories where pets influence their owners lives?
c. Sum up the discussion in pairs
d. Improve your listening / pronunciation skills
Listen to the following passage from the story; fill in the blanks;
intone the passage; learn it by heart
The night 1)_______ we were due to return I 2)_______ her to 3)_______.for a
walk with me. It was a 4)_______ night. The air was 5)_______ and 6)_______.
Behind 7)_______ stalked The-Silly-Pup. I put my arm round Alices 8)_______ .
Her head was 9)_______ my shoulder.
I love you, I said.
She 10)_______ a soft little laugh and 11)_______ away from me. I 12) _______
you cant catch me, she said and her eyes were 13)_______ .
by W.S.Maugham
a. Have you heard about W.S.Maugham? What do you know about this
writer? (Use a dictionary)
b. Read carefully the following proper names, words and expressions.
Make sure you know what they mean
Proper names
Sophie Livingstone, Mr. Livingstone
Count Borcelli
Mary Lyngate

   3. What can you say about Alice’s appearance and character? Do you believe
      her when she says she is fond of the country? Give reasons to justify your
   4. Why did the pup bite the girl on the leg? Was he jealous? Did the pup like
      Alice as much as his master when she arrived?
   5. Steve understood that the dog was a nuisance. Why didn’t he leave the dog at
      the sheep station?
   6. In your view, is it a humorous story? Why? What did Jack mean saying to
      Steve about the pup “You took him for better or for worse”? Usually these
      words are connected with marriage. What effect does this expression produce
      in this situation?
   7. Can you remember any other stories where pets influence their owners’ lives?

        c. Sum up the discussion in pairs

       d. ►Improve your listening / pronunciation skills
          Listen to the following passage from the story; fill in the blanks;
          intone the passage; learn it by heart
The night 1)_______ we were due to return I 2)_______ her to 3)_______.for a
walk with me. It was a 4)_______ night. The air was 5)_______ and 6)_______.
Behind 7)_______ stalked The-Silly-Pup. I put my arm round Alice’s 8)_______ .
Her head was 9)_______ my shoulder.
“I love you,” I said.
She 10)_______ a soft little laugh and 11)_______ away from me. “I 12) _______
you can’t catch me,” she said and her eyes were 13)_______ .

                               A STRING OF BEADS
                                by W.S.Maugham


        a. Have you heard about W.S.Maugham? What do you know about this
           writer? (Use a dictionary)

        b. Read carefully the following proper names, words and expressions.
           Make sure you know what they mean

Proper names
Laura                                        Count Borcelli
Sophie Livingstone, Mr. Livingstone          Mary Lyngate