How to Discuss a Story. Бунеева И.М - 8 стр.


Proper names
Pitcher, confidential clerk
Harvey Maxwell, broker
Miss Leslie, stenographer
the Exchange
Words and expressions
a difference in her ways
like a heap of stage snow
the ticker began to reel out its tape
a chronic attack of buzzing
messenger boys
like sailors during a storm
hurricanes and snowstorms and
glaciers and volcanoes
reproduced in miniature
strong machine going at full speed
sweet odour of lilac
fixed the broker for a moment
I have but a moment to spare
seized a minute of lull
a. Listen to the story once to answer the following questions
1. Why did Pitcher look interested and surprised that morning?
2. What did Miss Leslie do instead of going straight to her desk when she came
to the office?
3. What did Mr. Maxwell ask Pitcher to do and why?
4. Why did Miss Leslie agree to do the usual work?
5. What was the situation like on the Exchange?
6. How did this situation influence the atmosphere at the brokers office?
7. Why did Mr. Maxwell refuse to take the new stenographer? Did he remember
his own instruction?
8. What did Pitcher and the bookkeeper think about the broker?
9. How did Maxwell look when he worked?
10. What made Maxwell think of Miss Leslie and ask her to marry him?
11. How did he propose to her? Did he do it in a traditional way?
12. What did Miss Leslie do when she heard Maxwells words?
a. Listen to the story another time. Are these statements true or false?
Give reasons
1. Maxwell and Miss Leslie came to the office at 9.

Proper names
Pitcher, confidential clerk
Harvey Maxwell, broker
Miss Leslie, stenographer
the Exchange

Words and expressions                       hurricanes and snowstorms and
a difference in her ways                    glaciers and volcanoes
like a heap of stage snow                   reproduced in miniature
the ticker began to reel out its tape       strong machine going at full speed
a chronic attack of buzzing                 sweet odour of lilac
messenger boys                              fixed the broker for a moment
like sailors during a storm                 immovable
expressionless                              I have but a moment to spare
animated                                    seized a minute of lull



       a. Listen to the story once to answer the following questions
   1. Why did Pitcher look interested and surprised that morning?
   2. What did Miss Leslie do instead of going straight to her desk when she came
       to the office?
   3. What did Mr. Maxwell ask Pitcher to do and why?
   4. Why did Miss Leslie agree to do the usual work?
   5. What was the situation like on the Exchange?
   6. How did this situation influence the atmosphere at the broker’s office?
   7. Why did Mr. Maxwell refuse to take the new stenographer? Did he remember
       his own instruction?
   8. What did Pitcher and the bookkeeper think about the broker?
   9. How did Maxwell look when he worked?
   10. What made Maxwell think of Miss Leslie and ask her to marry him?
   11. How did he propose to her? Did he do it in a traditional way?
   12. What did Miss Leslie do when she heard Maxwell’s words?


      a. Listen to the story another time. Are these statements true or false?
         Give reasons
   1. Maxwell and Miss Leslie came to the office at 9.