Non-finite verb patterns. Practice grammar book. Чирко Т.М - 19 стр.



Task 19. Match the two halves of the sentences. More than one correct variant is
1. He hesitated
2. Can you advise me
3. Does anyone remember
4. It’s up to him to decide
5. I stood wondering
6. You never know
7. We couldn’t imagine
8. At the moment I didn’t understand
9. Can you tell me
10. Who will teach me
11. Will you show our guest
12. Will you remind me
13. Let’s ask somebody
A. where to change.
B. whom to address.
C. how to fill in the form.
D. which way to choose.
E. what to buy.
F. how long to stay.
G. what book to refer to.
H. whether to accept the offer or not.
I. what to say to such people.
J. how to do it.
K. where to get off.
L. what time to return.
M. what tape to choose.
Task 20. Answer the following questions using the verbs LET and MAKE.
1. What did your parents make you do when you were a child?
2. What didn't your parents let you do when you were a child?
3. What will you let your children do?
4. What will you make children do if you become a teacher?
5. What do onions make you do?
6. What do cigarettes make people do?
7. What does the thought of work make you feel?
8. Why do short people wear high heels?
9. Why do women wear make-up?
Task 19. Match the two halves of the sentences. More than one correct variant is

 1. He hesitated                            A. where to change.
 2. Can you advise me                       B. whom to address.
 3. Does anyone remember                    C. how to fill in the form.
 4. It’s up to him to decide                D. which way to choose.
 5. I stood wondering                       E. what to buy.
 6. You never know                          F. how long to stay.
 7. We couldn’t imagine                     G. what book to refer to.
 8. At the moment I didn’t understand       H. whether to accept the offer or not.
 9. Can you tell me                         I. what to say to such people.
 10. Who will teach me                      J. how to do it.
 11. Will you show our guest                K. where to get off.
 12. Will you remind me                     L. what time to return.
 13. Let’s ask somebody                     M.   what tape to choose.

Task 20. Answer the following questions using the verbs LET and MAKE.

1.   What did your parents make you do when you were a child?
2.   What didn't your parents let you do when you were a child?
3.   What will you let your children do?
4.   What will you make children do if you become a teacher?
5.   What do onions make you do?
6.   What do cigarettes make people do?
7.   What does the thought of work make you feel?
8.   Why do short people wear high heels?
9.   Why do women wear make-up?
