Writing. Part 2. Домбровская И.В - 49 стр.


Exercise 46
Bearing in mind that there are certain phrases which can be used in
reviews, decide whether the following phrases should be used in a book or a
film review.
it is beautifully written; it was well acted; it is published by; it stars; the role of
is played by; it is well directed; it is a thrilling read.
Exercise 47
Write a review about a film or a book you have recently seen or read for an
entertainment magazine.

Exercise 46
Bearing in mind that there are certain phrases which can be used in
reviews, decide whether the following phrases should be used in a book or a
film review.
it is beautifully written; it was well acted; it is published by; it stars; the role of
… is played by; it is well directed; it is a thrilling read.

Exercise 47
Write a review about a film or a book you have recently seen or read for an
entertainment magazine.