Writing. Part 2. Домбровская И.В - 6 стр.


Drivers union/ demand/ an increase/ number of security staff employed/ bus
Emergency meeting/ called by/ bus companys management this morning/
resulted in/ offer/ hold talks with the drivers union.
Bob Brown head of/ drivers union/ warned/ more strikes/ take place/
managements promises/ not fulfilled.
Descriptive Techniques
Stories may be a series of events or they may include detailed and chatty
descriptions of the people, objects or places involved in the event. Therefore,
narrative techniques can include descriptive techniques as well.
When you describe physical appearance, remember to include: Height,
Build, Age, Facial features, Hair, Clothes, moving from the most general
adjectives to the most specific ones.
e.g. John is a tall, well-built man. Hes got a round face with bright blue
eyes and a big nose. His short grey straight hair makes him look sophisticated.
He always dresses smartly in a well-cut suit and tie.
When you describe a persons character, remember to use a balanced
combination of good and bad qualities. You should always justify the qualities
you mention each time.
e.g. He is so reliable that he will never let you down.
As for the negative qualities, they should be written using mild language
e.g. Instead of saying: He is aggressive, you can say: He has/shows/displays a
tendency to be aggressive or He can be aggressive at times.
When describing particular details of a place, it is important to use your
senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch).
e.g. I live in a cottage. You can still smell the wood from which it was
built. A combination of static and moving features is also used in descriptions.
E.g. static features: The cottage is at the top of the hill, moving features: The
stream flows down the hill. You can also describe the place either from near to
far, from a central point, from a high point etc.
When using adjectives in your descriptions you should bear in mind the
following order:
Opinion, Size/Weight, Age, Shape, Colour, Country of Origin, Material +
e.g. Its a beautiful big ancient grey English church.
General outlines for descriptive techniques
Description of people
1. Place & time you met him/her.
2. Physical appearance (e.g. tall, well-built, old etc).
3. Personality characteristics & justification(e.g. Hes ambitious; he always
wants to come first in class.)
4. Activities (person at work, relaxing, spare time activities etc).
5. Comments and feelings about the person.
Drivers’ union/ demand/ an increase/ number of security staff employed/ bus
Emergency meeting/ called by/ bus company’s management this morning/
resulted in/ offer/ hold talks with the drivers’ union.
Bob Brown head of/ drivers’ union/ warned/ more strikes/ take place/
management’s promises/ not fulfilled.

                               Descriptive Techniques
        Stories may be a series of events or they may include detailed and chatty
descriptions of the people, objects or places involved in the event. Therefore,
narrative techniques can include descriptive techniques as well.
        When you describe physical appearance, remember to include: Height,
Build, Age, Facial features, Hair, Clothes, moving from the most general
adjectives to the most specific ones.
        e.g. John is a tall, well-built man. He’s got a round face with bright blue
eyes and a big nose. His short grey straight hair makes him look sophisticated.
He always dresses smartly in a well-cut suit and tie.
        When you describe a person’s character, remember to use a balanced
combination of good and bad qualities. You should always justify the qualities
you mention each time.
        e.g. He is so reliable that he will never let you down.
        As for the negative qualities, they should be written using mild language
e.g. Instead of saying: He is aggressive, you can say: He has/shows/displays a
tendency to be aggressive or He can be aggressive at times.
        When describing particular details of a place, it is important to use your
senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch).
        e.g. I live in a cottage. You can still smell the wood from which it was
built. A combination of static and moving features is also used in descriptions.
E.g. static features: The cottage is at the top of the hill, moving features: The
stream flows down the hill. You can also describe the place either from near to
far, from a central point, from a high point etc.
        When using adjectives in your descriptions you should bear in mind the
following order:
Opinion, Size/Weight, Age, Shape, Colour, Country of Origin, Material +
        e.g. It’s a beautiful big ancient grey English church.

                   General outlines for descriptive techniques
                               Description of people
1. Place & time you met him/her.
2. Physical appearance (e.g. tall, well-built, old etc).
3. Personality characteristics & justification(e.g. He’s ambitious; he always
   wants to come first in class.)
4. Activities (person at work, relaxing, spare time activities etc).
5. Comments and feelings about the person.