Методические указания и контрольное задание №5 по английскому языку. Доржиева Г.Б - 22 стр.


wanted to write them, I figured you'd end up constantly
referring to your own reading.”
11. The book won an award and he used the money to go
to Vietnam. Why Indochina? “I knew l wanted to travel, either
to Africa or Indo-China.” Hisaccount of his trips to Vietnam
just after the US had pulled out, and of the fall of Saigon,
remain one of the great pieces of modem reportage.
12. Currently, he is a poet-landowner. On returning to
England, he felt he had to be near Oxford. So he bought the
farm, restored the house, created the library and set to work on
a design for the garden. The result is a vegetable plot of
geometrical orderliness, a rose garden, flowerbeds and a wide,
carefully tended lawn. But it's a far cry from the East - and it's
hard to believe Fenton is going to stick around. “Well,” he says,
“it does fulfill the ideals I set myself when I started this. I
thought 1 was going to buy a house but it was the garden that
was what I wanted to do next. It's a way of saying: I'm going to
be here for a long time.”
II. a). Below is a list of events from the life of the poet and
journalist James Fenton. Read the article, underlining key dates
and place name as you read, and write when each event
happened on the left.
Date Event
last year
gave a reading from his new poetry collection
lost job as librettist an musical Les Miserables
published Memory of War
became Far East correspondent in the
bought a farm in Philippines with some friends;
started to write Out of Danger
was born
studied at Oxford University
published first volume of poetry, which won
an award
lives on farm near Oxford
b). The article is a biographical account of Fenton’s career, but
events are not related in chronological order. At what point in
time does it begin and end? Why is this?
III. Read the article again and answer the multiple choice
questions that follow. Choose the best option (A,B,C or D)
according to the information in the text.
1. Fenton’s public readings are unusual because of the
A. quality of the poetry.
B. personal reminiscence.
C. passionate delivery.
D. feeling for the audience.
2. Fenton’s involvement in Les Miserables
A. continued until the first performance.
B. brought professional praise.
C. has made him famous all round the world.
D. was well-rewarded.
3. Peter Porter attributes Fenton’s success to
A. his choice of themes familiar to his readers.
B. his involvement to real issues.
C. his commitment to poetic language.
D. his international themes.
4. When asked whom he wrote the love poems in Out of
Danger for, Fenton is
A. evasive.
B. convincing.
C. contradictory.
D. irritated.
wanted to write them, I figured you'd end up constantly                            an award
referring to your own reading.”                                       ………….         lives on farm near Oxford
      11. The book won an award and he used the money to go
to Vietnam. Why Indochina? “I knew l wanted to travel, either
to Africa or Indo-China.” Hisaccount of his trips to Vietnam
just after the US had pulled out, and of the fall of Saigon,
remain one of the great pieces of modem reportage.                   b). The article is a biographical account of Fenton’s career, but
      12. Currently, he is a poet-landowner. On returning to         events are not related in chronological order. At what point in
England, he felt he had to be near Oxford. So he bought the          time does it begin and end? Why is this?
farm, restored the house, created the library and set to work on
a design for the garden. The result is a vegetable plot of           III. Read the article again and answer the multiple choice
geometrical orderliness, a rose garden, flowerbeds and a wide,       questions that follow. Choose the best option (A,B,C or D)
carefully tended lawn. But it's a far cry from the East - and it's   according to the information in the text.
hard to believe Fenton is going to stick around. “Well,” he says,
“it does fulfill the ideals I set myself when I started this. I      1. Fenton’s public readings are unusual because of the
thought 1 was going to buy a house but it was the garden that              A. quality of the poetry.
was what I wanted to do next. It's a way of saying: I'm going to           B. personal reminiscence.
be here for a long time.”                                                  C. passionate delivery.
                                                                           D. feeling for the audience.
II. a). Below is a list of events from the life of the poet and      2. Fenton’s involvement in Les Miserables
journalist James Fenton. Read the article, underlining key dates           A. continued until the first performance.
and place name as you read, and write when each event                      B. brought professional praise.
happened on the left.                                                      C. has made him famous all round the world.
                                                                           D. was well-rewarded.
                                                                     3. Peter Porter attributes Fenton’s success to
 Date         Event
                                                                           A. his choice of themes familiar to his readers.
 last year    gave a reading from his new poetry collection
                                                                           B. his involvement to real issues.
 …………         lost job as librettist an musical Les Miserables
                                                                           C. his commitment to poetic language.
 …………         published Memory of War
                                                                           D. his international themes.
 …………         became Far East correspondent in the
                                                                     4. When asked whom he wrote the love poems in Out of
                                                                     Danger for, Fenton is
 ………….        bought a farm in Philippines with some friends;
                                                                           A. evasive.
                               started to write Out of Danger
                                                                           B. convincing.
 ………….        was born
                                                                           C. contradictory.
 after        studied at Oxford University
                                                                           D. irritated.
 ………….         published first volume of poetry, which won