Методические указания по работе с темой "Терроризм" (для студентов юридического факультета, изучающих английский язык). Дорофеева Т.Н. - 10 стр.



Some terrorists ___ ___ by very specific issues, such as opposition
to legalized abortion or nuclear energy and championing of ___ ___.
Terrorist acts including murder, ___, bombing, ___ and arson have long
been defined in both national and international law as ___.
Terrorism often targets ___ citizens in order to create an atmos-
phere of fear, intimidation and ___. Some terrorists ___ direct attacks
against large number of ordinary people who simply happen to be in the
wrong place at the wrong time. More selective terrorist attacks ___ em-
bassies, military bases, offices, airlines and airports, trains and train sta-
tions, buses and subways.
All terrorists share one characteristic: they never ___ actions ran-
domly or ___. Every terrorist wants an attack to generate maximum pub-
licity. All terrorist groups share another basic characteristic: ___ about
their operation. To maintain secrecy, terrorist groups are often organized
into ___ . A terrorist cell can be as small as ___ ___ ___ people, with
one person knowing someone in another cell.
The planning of any terrorist attack begins with gathering ___ re-
connaissance and intelligence about a target: its defenses, vulnerability
and patterns of daily activity.
Terrorists today use ___ simply as ___ or punishment rather than
as a means to achieve political change. An increase of ___ attacks con-
firms it. Suicide bombers are typically ___ motivated, passionately dedi-
cated individuals who decide ___ to surrender their lives in fulfillment of
their mission.
# Conclusion. Reproduce the topic Terrorism using the plan
1. Terrorism: what is it?
2. Causes of terrorism.
3. Targets, planning and organization of terrorist acts.
4. Suicide attacks.
5. The ways of averting and fighting.
Words to the topic............................................................................................4
Introduction. What is terrorism? ....................................................................5
Terrorism as a Political Act ....................................................................5
Government Definitions of Terrorism ....................................................7
Causes of Terrorism.......................................................................................8
The Increasing Deadliness of Terrorist Attacks..........................................11
Characteristics of Terrorist Attacks............................................................14
A. Planning and Organization..................................................................14
B. Targets of Terrorism ..........................................................................15
Check yourselves..........................................................................................17
Conclusion. Reproduce the topic Terrorism using the plan
below ............................................................................................................19
Технический редактор М.В. Быкова
Редактор Е.В. Коськина
Подписано в печать 05.11.04. Формат бумаги 60х84 1/16.
Печ. л. 1,25. Уч.-изд. л. 1,3. Тираж 200 экз. Заказ 573.
Издательство Омского государственного университета
644077, Омск-77, пр. Мира 55а, госуниверситет
       Some terrorists ___ ___ by very specific issues, such as opposition
to legalized abortion or nuclear energy and championing of ___ ___.                                                             CONTENTS
Terrorist acts including murder, ___, bombing, ___ and arson have long
been defined in both national and international law as ___.                      Introduction..................................................................................................... 3
       Terrorism often targets ___ citizens in order to create an atmos-         Words to the topic............................................................................................ 4
phere of fear, intimidation and ___. Some terrorists ___ direct attacks          Introduction. What is terrorism? .................................................................... 5
against large number of ordinary people who simply happen to be in the                Terrorism as a Political Act .................................................................... 5
wrong place at the wrong time. More selective terrorist attacks ___ em-               Government Definitions of Terrorism .................................................... 7
bassies, military bases, offices, airlines and airports, trains and train sta-
                                                                                 Causes of Terrorism....................................................................................... 8
tions, buses and subways.
       All terrorists share one characteristic: they never ___ actions ran-      The Increasing Deadliness of Terrorist Attacks .......................................... 11
domly or ___. Every terrorist wants an attack to generate maximum pub-
licity. All terrorist groups share another basic characteristic: ___ about       Characteristics of Terrorist Attacks............................................................ 14
their operation. To maintain secrecy, terrorist groups are often organized          A. Planning and Organization.................................................................. 14
                                                                                    B. Targets of Terrorism .......................................................................... 15
into ___ . A terrorist cell can be as small as ___ ___ ___ people, with
one person knowing someone in another cell.                                      Check yourselves.......................................................................................... 17
        The planning of any terrorist attack begins with gathering ___ re-
connaissance and intelligence about a target: its defenses, vulnerability        Conclusion. Reproduce the topic “Terrorism” using the plan
and patterns of daily activity.                                                  below ............................................................................................................ 19
       Terrorists today use ___ simply as ___ or punishment rather than
as a means to achieve political change. An increase of ___ attacks con-
firms it. Suicide bombers are typically ___ motivated, passionately dedi-
cated individuals who decide ___ to surrender their lives in fulfillment of
their mission.

# Conclusion. Reproduce the topic “Terrorism” using the plan
  below:                                                                                                 Технический редактор М.В. Быкова
    1.   Terrorism: what is it?                                                                                Редактор Е.В. Коськина
    2.   Causes of terrorism.                                                                Подписано в печать 05.11.04. Формат бумаги 60х84 1/16.
    3.   Targets, planning and organization of terrorist acts.                                 Печ. л. 1,25. Уч.-изд. л. 1,3. Тираж 200 экз. Заказ 573.
    4.   Suicide attacks.                                                        ________________________________________________________________________
    5.   The ways of averting and fighting.                                      Издательство Омского государственного университета
                                                                                 644077, Омск-77, пр. Мира 55а, госуниверситет

                                     19                                                                                                  20
