Учебно-методическое пособие по чтению специальной литературы для студентов 1 курса физического факультета. Дроздова И.В - 28 стр.


In small groups of students discuss the following points:
1. What is unique about light from a laser source and why should you never look
directly into a laser beam?
2. Why are microwave ovens constructed in such a way that they will not operate
when door is open?
Unit VII
Pre-reading activity
I. Make a list of topics that you think will occur in the text. Choose from the
a) three main laws of thermodynamics
b) the principle of the conservation of energy
c) waste disposal
d) flight into outer space
e) a heat engine is a device that converts heat energy into work
f) absolute temperature
II. Cover the text and choose the best ending for each sentence:
1. The operation of heat engines (e.g. internal-combustion engine) is dealt with in
a) nuclear physics
b) mechanics
c) thermodynamics
2. The first law of thermodynamics is simply the principle of conservation of:
a) matter
b) field
c) energy
3. Heat added to a closed system goes into the
a) external energy of the system
b) internal energy of the system
4. Thermal efficiency is ratio of
a) the work input and the energy output
b) the work input and the energy input
5. Heat engine operating in cycle


In small groups of students discuss the following points:
1. What is unique about light from a laser source and why should you never look
    directly into a laser beam?
2. Why are microwave ovens constructed in such a way that they will not operate
    when door is open?

                                     Unit VII

Pre-reading activity

I. Make a list of topics that you think will occur in the text. Choose from the
a) three main laws of thermodynamics
b) the principle of the conservation of energy
c) waste disposal
d) flight into outer space
e) a heat engine is a device that converts heat energy into work
f) absolute temperature


II. Cover the text and choose the best ending for each sentence:
1. The operation of heat engines (e.g. internal-combustion engine) is dealt with in
    a) nuclear physics
    b) mechanics
    c) thermodynamics

2. The first law of thermodynamics is simply the principle of conservation of:
   a) matter
   b) field
   c) energy

3. Heat added to a closed system goes into the
   a) external energy of the system
   b) internal energy of the system

4. Thermal efficiency is ratio of
   a) the work input and the energy output
   b) the work input and the energy input

5. Heat engine operating in cycle