Mrs R:
Mrs R:
Mrs R:
Mrs R:
Mrs R:
married later in the year and I’d
like to know, should I make the
guest list, the people to invite, or
should my daughter?
Well, usually the bride’s parents
can choose the guests, because
they pay for the wedding!
Yes, but ought I to ask for sug-
Yes, you should ask the bride-
groom’s parents for suggestions.
And is it all right if I give them a
maximum number?
Oh yes, yes, usually this depends
on the size of the church or how
much you want to spend on the
reception, but you should invite
members of your family and the
bridegroom’s family in equal
But what should I do about my
daughter’s friends? Are they
counted as family, or not?
Um, you could ask your daughter
and her boyfriend to give you a
list of the friends they would like
to invite. So then you have three
groups of guests: your family,
the other family and the couple’s
I see, thank you. One thing, can I
decide how many friends they
should invite?
Oh, yes. If you’re paying.
Thank you.
Tapescript 12
Students in England talk about how they
use their free time.
I = Interviewer 1-3 = Students
If your lessons finish around lunch
time or early afternoon, what do you
do with the rest of the day?
It depends, really. Now that we’re in
our final year there’s always quite a
lot of work to do but apart from that
we’re right next to Clifton, which is
like a village, so we can go in there, go
to cafes, go to shops, and then it’s not
far to go into Bristol – get the bus, or
you can walk if you wanted, and I
mean with it being the second biggest
city in England you’ve got every shop
you can imagine.
Well, recently spare time has become a
little non-existent. But I do quite a lot
of music. And socializing and I mean
basically this year there’s a lot more
work and a lot more organization to do
so there isn’t very much during the
school day. I mean there are quite of-
ten large gaps. The school day is struc-
tured so that there are large gaps be-
tween lessons sometimes but in prac-
tice you tend to have to work or do
something else in that time.
I’ve got a lot of work to do outside of
actual classes, I’ve got a lot of home-
work to do. Then there are extra things
like preparing essays for the Internet –
our Internet website. I have to prepare
an essay for geography and an essay
for Spanish every now and again and
also I’m, well I’m part of the catering
committee so I have to do quite a bit of
work for that – and various responsi-
bilities within the house. Socially, go-
ing up to Clifton village, shopping,
things like that. Every now and again a
bit of sport if I’m lucky. But generally
it’s a lot of work, and you’re just trying
to get some free time to relax and un-
wind really, and get up and get your-
self away from the pressures of every-
day school life.
Tapescript 13
… in the coming week. And a few exhibi-
tions that I’d like to highlight. The exhibi-
tion at the Cleveland Craft Centre shows
the work of Philip Webb, an architect from
1831 to 1915. Whilst at the Kirk Leven
Old Hall you can see the picture book ex-
hibition until June the twenty-fourth. And
in Hartlepool the Gray Art Gallery is
showing two photographic exhibitions, the
first on experimental photography, and the
second called ‘Nicaraguan photographs’ by
Bob Anderson.
married later in the year and I’d far to go into Bristol – get the bus, or like to know, should I make the you can walk if you wanted, and I guest list, the people to invite, or mean with it being the second biggest should my daughter? city in England you’ve got every shop I: Well, usually the bride’s parents you can imagine. can choose the guests, because 2 Well, recently spare time has become a they pay for the wedding! little non-existent. But I do quite a lot Mrs R: Yes, but ought I to ask for sug- of music. And socializing and I mean gestions? basically this year there’s a lot more I: Yes, you should ask the bride- work and a lot more organization to do groom’s parents for suggestions. so there isn’t very much during the Mrs R: And is it all right if I give them a school day. I mean there are quite of- maximum number? ten large gaps. The school day is struc- I: Oh yes, yes, usually this depends tured so that there are large gaps be- on the size of the church or how tween lessons sometimes but in prac- much you want to spend on the tice you tend to have to work or do reception, but you should invite something else in that time. members of your family and the 3 I’ve got a lot of work to do outside of bridegroom’s family in equal actual classes, I’ve got a lot of home- proportion. work to do. Then there are extra things Mrs R: But what should I do about my like preparing essays for the Internet – daughter’s friends? Are they our Internet website. I have to prepare counted as family, or not? an essay for geography and an essay I: Um, you could ask your daughter for Spanish every now and again and and her boyfriend to give you a also I’m, well I’m part of the catering list of the friends they would like committee so I have to do quite a bit of to invite. So then you have three work for that – and various responsi- groups of guests: your family, bilities within the house. Socially, go- the other family and the couple’s ing up to Clifton village, shopping, friends. things like that. Every now and again a Mrs R: I see, thank you. One thing, can I bit of sport if I’m lucky. But generally decide how many friends they it’s a lot of work, and you’re just trying should invite? to get some free time to relax and un- I: Oh, yes. If you’re paying. wind really, and get up and get your- Mrs R: Thank you. self away from the pressures of every- day school life. Tapescript 12 Tapescript 13 Students in England talk about how they use their free time. … in the coming week. And a few exhibi- I = Interviewer 1-3 = Students tions that I’d like to highlight. The exhibi- tion at the Cleveland Craft Centre shows I If your lessons finish around lunch the work of Philip Webb, an architect from time or early afternoon, what do you 1831 to 1915. Whilst at the Kirk Leven do with the rest of the day? Old Hall you can see the picture book ex- 1 It depends, really. Now that we’re in hibition until June the twenty-fourth. And our final year there’s always quite a in Hartlepool the Gray Art Gallery is lot of work to do but apart from that showing two photographic exhibitions, the we’re right next to Clifton, which is first on experimental photography, and the like a village, so we can go in there, go second called ‘Nicaraguan photographs’ by to cafes, go to shops, and then it’s not Bob Anderson. 126
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