Учебно-методическое пособие по работе с видеофильмом "Casablanca". Дворжец О.С. - 54 стр.



Later, she played the young Wendy
in Steven Speilberg's Hook. There is a
story that the Paltrow family were
standing in a cinema queue one night,
with a family friend, Steven Speilberg,
and that he casually asked if the 16
year old Gwyneth would like a part in
In 1995 she starred with Brad Pitt
in Seven. Gwyneth and Brad fell in
love and their romance became news.
Everyone wanted to know more about
the beautiful couple. Brad and
Gwyneth got engaged and were going
to get married. However, the relation-
ship did not last. When Brad and
Gwyneth separated the media wanted
to know all the details. This was very
hard for Gwyneth and she was un-
happy with the attention from the
Although Hollywood was courting
her, Gwyneth was keeping her dis-
tance. She wanted to choose her roles
and star in interesting films she
turned down the leading part in The
Avengers and in Titanic. She also
chose to live in Greenwich Village,
New York, rather than near Holly-
wood, on the West coast. "Los Ange-
les just feels shallow to me', she says.
'It's all show business".
In 1996, Gwyneth started working
on the first of three British films. Her
first leading role was in the film,
Emma, based on a book by Jane Aus-
ten. She was cast in preference to
many other British actresses by the
producer, Harvey Weinstein. In 1998
she starred with John Hannah and
John Lynch in Sliding Doors, which
was one of the most successful films
of that year. And then this year her
role in Shakespeare in Love has made
her even more famous, and won her an
Oscar award for the best actress. "Har-
vey Weinstein is basically the reason
I'm turning into a British actress", says
For the last three years, Gwyneth
has spend 4 months each year shooting
movies in Britain.
"I have spent quite a bit of time in
England", she says. "I like it. I get it
the way to live, the sense of humour. I
didn't when I first came. I thought, 'I'm
an American and we speak the same
language, it'll be the same'. But it's not.
You have just got to adapt".
Many people think that Gwyneth
now speaks English better than any
American actor before her. She is
good at listening and picks up lan-
guages quickly she is fluent in
French and Spanish and is learning
Italian. For Jim Carter, who acted in
Shakespeare in Love, Gwyneth's ac-
cent is enchanting: "I like her English
accent more than her real one when
she speaks English she sounds like a
princess", he says.
After the success of Shakespeare
in Love, Gwyneth's future as one of
Hollywood's brightest stars seems cer-
tain. Gwyneth sees the reason for her
success and fame modestly: "The parts
I've chosen just seemed like the right
ones to do at the time; there's not been
any game plan. I don't worry about
what I'm going to do next".
Not many men have been voted the
Sexiest man Alive at the age of sixty!
However, Sean Connery is an actor
who appeals to both men and women.
Everyone admires his charm and cha-
Sean Connery is very proud to be
Scottish and he often talks about his
love for Scotland. He was born in Ed-
inburgh on the 25th August 1930. He
came from a poor, working class fam-
ily. His father worked in a factory and
Sean left school when he was only
thirteen years old. At the age of fifteen
he joined the Royal Navy for three
years. When he left the navy he tried
many jobs. He worked as a labourer,
cement mixer, milkman and brick-
layer. He did not want to be an actor
but dreamed of being a football player.
He did not want to be an actor but
dreamed of being a football player. As
a hobby, he tried body building and
when he was in London competing in
a body building competition he audi-
tioned for a small part in a musical. He
won the part and his acting career be-
Sean worked very hard to improve
his acting. He took dancing and sing-
ing lessons. However, he did not be-
come famous until he got the chance
to play James Bond in the film Dr No
in 1962. He beat many other distin-
guished actors, including Cary Grant
and Rex Harrison, who also wanted to
play the suave secret service agent.
The producer of Dr No decided that
Sean Connery was the right person to
play James Bond when he watched
Sean walk down the street!
Following the success of the film
Dr No, Sean Connery was asked to
play in four James Bond films during
the Sixties Goldfinger, From Russia
with Love, Thunderball and You Only
Live Twice. Many fans of James Bond
films think that he was the best James
Bond of all time.
Eventually, Sean grew tired of
playing James Bond and after making
the film, Diamonds are Forever in
1971, he vowed that he would 'never
again' make another James Bond film.
At the time, he was paid a record-
breaking salary of $1.25 million for
his part in the film. However, he
agreed to play James Bond once more
in 1983 and the producers called the
film Never Say Never Again. His fans
were delighted.
In the 1980s Sean Connery took on
different and more varied roles. He
won an Oscar for his role as a tough
Irish cop in The Untouchables, in
which he starred alongside Kevin
Costner. He also played Harrison
Ford's eccentric father in the popular
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
His cameo role as King Richard in
     Later, she played the young Wendy           producer, Harvey Weinstein. In 1998           I've chosen just seemed like the right            to play James Bond in the film Dr No
in Steven Speilberg's Hook. There is a           she starred with John Hannah and              ones to do at the time; there's not been          in 1962. He beat many other distin-
story that the Paltrow family were               John Lynch in Sliding Doors, which            any game plan. I don't worry about                guished actors, including Cary Grant
standing in a cinema queue one night,            was one of the most successful films          what I'm going to do next".                       and Rex Harrison, who also wanted to
with a family friend, Steven Speilberg,          of that year. And then this year her                                                            play the suave secret service agent.
                                                                                                         SEAN CONNERY
and that he casually asked if the 16             role in Shakespeare in Love has made                                                            The producer of Dr No decided that
year old Gwyneth would like a part in            her even more famous, and won her an              Not many men have been voted the              Sean Connery was the right person to
Hook.                                            Oscar award for the best actress. "Har-       Sexiest man Alive at the age of sixty!            play James Bond when he watched
     In 1995 she starred with Brad Pitt          vey Weinstein is basically the reason         However, Sean Connery is an actor                 Sean walk down the street!
in Seven. Gwyneth and Brad fell in               I'm turning into a British actress", says     who appeals to both men and women.                    Following the success of the film
love and their romance became news.              Gwyneth.                                      Everyone admires his charm and cha-               Dr No, Sean Connery was asked to
Everyone wanted to know more about                   For the last three years, Gwyneth         risma.                                            play in four James Bond films during
the beautiful couple. Brad and                   has spend 4 months each year shooting             Sean Connery is very proud to be              the Sixties – Goldfinger, From Russia
Gwyneth got engaged and were going               movies in Britain.                            Scottish and he often talks about his             with Love, Thunderball and You Only
to get married. However, the relation-               "I have spent quite a bit of time in      love for Scotland. He was born in Ed-             Live Twice. Many fans of James Bond
ship did not last. When Brad and                 England", she says. "I like it. I get it –    inburgh on the 25th August 1930. He               films think that he was the best James
Gwyneth separated the media wanted               the way to live, the sense of humour. I       came from a poor, working class fam-              Bond of all time.
to know all the details. This was very           didn't when I first came. I thought, 'I'm     ily. His father worked in a factory and               Eventually, Sean grew tired of
hard for Gwyneth and she was un-                 an American and we speak the same             Sean left school when he was only                 playing James Bond and after making
happy with the attention from the                language, it'll be the same'. But it's not.   thirteen years old. At the age of fifteen         the film, Diamonds are Forever in
press.                                           You have just got to adapt".                  he joined the Royal Navy for three                1971, he vowed that he would 'never
     Although Hollywood was courting                 Many people think that Gwyneth            years. When he left the navy he tried             again' make another James Bond film.
her, Gwyneth was keeping her dis-                now speaks English better than any            many jobs. He worked as a labourer,               At the time, he was paid a record-
tance. She wanted to choose her roles            American actor before her. She is             cement mixer, milkman and brick-                  breaking salary of $1.25 million for
and star in interesting films – she              good at listening and picks up lan-           layer. He did not want to be an actor             his part in the film. However, he
turned down the leading part in The              guages quickly – she is fluent in             but dreamed of being a football player.           agreed to play James Bond once more
Avengers and in Titanic. She also                French and Spanish and is learning            He did not want to be an actor but                in 1983 and the producers called the
chose to live in Greenwich Village,              Italian. For Jim Carter, who acted in         dreamed of being a football player. As            film Never Say Never Again. His fans
New York, rather than near Holly-                Shakespeare in Love, Gwyneth's ac-            a hobby, he tried body building and               were delighted.
wood, on the West coast. "Los Ange-              cent is enchanting: "I like her English       when he was in London competing in                    In the 1980s Sean Connery took on
les just feels shallow to me', she says.         accent more than her real one – when          a body building competition he audi-              different and more varied roles. He
'It's all show business".                        she speaks English she sounds like a          tioned for a small part in a musical. He          won an Oscar for his role as a tough
     In 1996, Gwyneth started working            princess", he says.                           won the part and his acting career be-            Irish cop in The Untouchables, in
on the first of three British films. Her             After the success of Shakespeare          gan.                                              which he starred alongside Kevin
first leading role was in the film,              in Love, Gwyneth's future as one of               Sean worked very hard to improve              Costner. He also played Harrison
Emma, based on a book by Jane Aus-               Hollywood's brightest stars seems cer-        his acting. He took dancing and sing-             Ford's eccentric father in the popular
ten. She was cast in preference to               tain. Gwyneth sees the reason for her         ing lessons. However, he did not be-              Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
many other British actresses by the              success and fame modestly: "The parts         come famous until he got the chance               His cameo role as King Richard in
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