Нефтегазовые нанотехнологии для разработки и эксплуатации месторождений. Часть 2. Евдокимов И.Н - 42 стр.



incidence of characteristic concentrations in both graphs of
Figure 3. Namely, both dn/dc and absorptivity exhibit a high peak
at 2–8 mg/l of asphaltenes (and show a tendency of decreasing at
lower concentrations). Two secondary maxima are observed at
25–30 and at 55–65 mg/l, while above 80–90 mg/l saturation levels
are reached.
Fig. 3. RI increment (left) and optical absorptivity (right)
in dilute solutions of crude #1.
Fig. 4. Optical absorptivity in dilute solutions of crude #2 (1)
and of solid asphaltenes (2).
Moreover, the above characteristic concentrations are close to
those observed in our earlier studies of asphaltene-containing solu-