Балтийский регион: Социально-экономическая география Балтийского региона. Федоров Г.М - 170 стр.



97. The Future of the Baltic Region. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 1994. 44
98. Törnqvist G. Sverige i Nätverkens Europa. Malmö: Liber-Htrmods,
1993. 285 p.
99. Transport system and Infrastruture in the Baltic Sea Region. Warsaw.
Baltic conference of Minister of Transport, August 1993.
100. Vision and Strategies Around the Baltic sea 2010. Copenhagen, 1994.
96 p.
101. Wirtshaftsgeographie der Europaischen Gemtinschaft. Paderborn, 1993.
224 s.
102. Zänker A. Zukunft liegt im Osten. Wien: Wirtschaftsferlag Überreuter,
1995. 312 s.
103. Zverev Yu. The Kaliningrad Region of Russia // Conflictings Loyaltie
and the State in Post-Soviet Russia and Eurasia. L.-Portland: Frank Cass, 1998.
104. http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/rs.html
105. http://www.worldbank.org
     97. The Future of the Baltic Region. Uppsala: Uppsala University, 1994. 44
    98. Törnqvist G. Sverige i Nätverkens Europa. Malmö: Liber-Htrmods,
1993. 285 p.
    99. Transport system and Infrastruture in the Baltic Sea Region. Warsaw.
Baltic conference of Minister of Transport, August 1993.
    100. Vision and Strategies Around the Baltic sea 2010. Copenhagen, 1994.
96 p.
    101. Wirtshaftsgeographie der Europaischen Gemtinschaft. Paderborn, 1993.
224 s.
    102. Zänker A. Zukunft liegt im Osten. Wien: Wirtschaftsferlag Überreuter,
1995. 312 s.
    103. Zverev Yu. The Kaliningrad Region of Russia // Conflictings Loyaltie
and the State in Post-Soviet Russia and Eurasia. L.-Portland: Frank Cass, 1998.
    104. http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/rs.html
    105. http://www.worldbank.org
