Сверхпроводимость электричества как понятие о сверхъестественном явлении, тогда как в действительности, оно есть метастабильное сверхдианамагничивание веществ. Федюкин В.К. - 3 стр.



The analysis of basic experiments and their interpretation and
plenty theories of so-called “superconductivity of electrical current” in
metals and other solids under low (cryogen) temperatures are pre-
sented. The wrong ideas about superconductivity are shown. It is
demonstrated here, that the phenomenon called by Kamerling-Oness
as superconductivity is not the same one because it is not induced by
improbable super-fluidity of electrons in the body. It is approved that
discovered by Kamerling-Oness phenomenon is stable polarization of
electron structure of atoms and as a sequence is super- magnetization
of the body in the whole. It is proposed to consider this phenomenon
as super- magnetization but not as superconductivity of electricity.
The original model of microscopic theory of super- magnetism is pre-
sented here. Developed by author approach to creation of new theory
of matter super-magnetization under low over critical temperatures
seems to be more adequate to physical nature of this phenomenon. It
is evident this theory will allow to solve various principled problems
of science and practice for application of super-magnetic in future en-
This book means for engineers, scientists, post-graduate students
and students who is interested in problems of physics and technology
for new techniques.
Fediukin Veniamin Konstantinovich,
Professor, DSc
Office phone: (812) 766-01-10