Early Russian History. Key Issues. Гончарова Л.Ю. - 8 стр.



Vocabulary work
Read and memorize the following words and expressions, suggest their
Russian equivalents:
prejudice, n
slogan, n
origin, n
originate, v
nomad, n
abode, n (e.g. semi-permanent abodes)
marshland, n
tribe, n
tribal, adj (e.g. tribal consciousness)
fuse, v
fusion, n
chronicle, n (the Chronicle)
monk, n
credible, adj
credibility, n (e.g. the credibility of a
legend, story, etc)
rivalry, n
warfare, n
strife, n
expulsion, n
scholar, n
commerce, n (=trading)
bulwark, n (=stronghold)
seafaring people
warlike trading fraternities
trade route
to pave the way for smth
supremacy, n (e.g. military, political
supreme, adj (e.g. supreme ruler)
cradle, n (e.g. the cradle of the Russian
trickery, n
political machinery
achievement, n (=accomplishment)
subjugation, n
reinforce, v (e.g. to reinforce an idea)
compel, v (to compel smb to do smth)
possess, v (e.g. to struggle for possession
of land)
prince, n
principality, n
village communes (=obshchina)
merchant, n
bourgeoisie, n
treaty, n
artisan, n (=craftsman)
tribute, n
stratified society
grand duke
assembly, n (=meeting)
rule of succession
Questions for discussion
Comment on the following:
1. The author traces the origin of the word Rus to the name of the northern
Varangian invaders. What other hypotheses concerning the issue have been formed
by scientists? Which one seems the most plausible to you?
2. Why is the Chronicles story about Rurik invitation considered a subject
of much controversy?
3. How can you define the role the Varangians played in early Russian
4. On what ground does the author compare Vladimir I of Russia with
Alexander the Great and Charlemange?
                               Vocabulary work

     Read and memorize the following words and expressions, suggest their
Russian equivalents:

prejudice, n                                    trade route
slogan, n                                       to pave the way for smth
origin, n                                       supremacy, n (e.g. military, political
originate, v                                                  supremacy)
nomad, n                                        supreme, adj (e.g. supreme ruler)
abode, n (e.g. semi-permanent abodes)           cradle, n (e.g. the cradle of the Russian
marshland, n                                               state)
tribe, n                                        trickery, n
tribal, adj (e.g. tribal consciousness)         political machinery
fuse, v                                         achievement, n (=accomplishment)
fusion, n                                       subjugation, n
chronicle, n (the Chronicle)                    reinforce, v (e.g. to reinforce an idea)
monk, n                                         compel, v (to compel smb to do smth)
credible, adj                                   possess, v (e.g. to struggle for possession
credibility, n (e.g. the credibility of a               of land)
             legend, story, etc)                prince, n
rivalry, n                                      principality, n
warfare, n                                      village communes (=obshchina)
strife, n                                       merchant, n
expulsion, n                                    bourgeoisie, n
scholar, n                                      treaty, n
commerce, n (=trading)                          artisan, n (=craftsman)
bulwark, n (=stronghold)                        tribute, n
seafaring people                                stratified society
warlike trading fraternities                    grand duke
                                                assembly, n (=meeting)
                                                rule of succession

                            Questions for discussion

      Comment on the following:
      1. The author traces the origin of the word “Rus” to the name of the northern
Varangian invaders. What other hypotheses concerning the issue have been formed
by scientists? Which one seems the most plausible to you?
      2. Why is the Chronicle’s story about “Rurik invitation” considered a subject
of much controversy?
      3. How can you define the role the Varangians played in early Russian
      4. On what ground does the author compare Vladimir I of Russia with
Alexander the Great and Charlemange?