a food gathering society
a food cultivating society
the domestication of animals
farming, n (the cultivation of crops)
settled agriculturalism
non-food producing professions
predate, v (= precede, v)
to a large degree
(… has to a large degree been ignored)
bias, n
exclusively, adv
(e.g. to deal exclusively with smth)
to be in existence
simultaneously, adv
megalith, n
menhir, n
tomb, n
burial sites (= grave sites)
crescent, n (the Fertile Crescent)
cereal grain farms
usher, v (e.g. to usher a new era)
tribe, n
invader, n
flint, n (adj)
weaving, n
copper working
copper mine shafts
iron working
timber houses
implements, n (= tools, instruments)
religious rituals (e.g. to bury smb
according to religious rituals)
a source of knowledge (information)
mound, n (=barrow)
runes, n (sharp angular writing)
linear script
evolve, v
scatter, v
to build in stages
barbarians, n
savage, n (adj)
malicious propaganda
radio carbon date, v
Comprehension check
Answer the questions:
1. What factors called forth a shift from a food gathering society to a food
cultivating society and what were the consequences of this shift?
2. Why have traditional history writes to a large degree ignored the existence
of fairly advanced Neolithic societies in Europe?
3. What evidence can prove that the inhabitants of Europe were also quite
developed in terms of their society and culture?
4. What are the main differences between the Late Paleolithic and Neolithic
5. Do Neolithic burial sites provide any evidence concerning the stratification
of Neolithic society?
6. What effect did the introduction of iron working have upon the process of
human development?
9 VOCABULARY a food gathering society tribe, n a food cultivating society invader, n the domestication of animals flint, n (adj) farming, n (the cultivation of crops) weaving, n settled agriculturalism copper working non-food producing professions copper mine shafts predate, v (= precede, v) iron working to a large degree timber houses (… has to a large degree been ignored) implements, n (= tools, instruments) bias, n religious rituals (e.g. to bury smb exclusively, adv according to religious rituals) (e.g. to deal exclusively with smth) a source of knowledge (information) to be in existence mound, n (=barrow) simultaneously, adv runes, n (sharp angular writing) megalith, n linear script menhir, n evolve, v tomb, n scatter, v burial sites (= grave sites) to build in stages crescent, n (the Fertile Crescent) barbarians, n cereal grain farms savage, n (adj) cattle-breeders malicious propaganda usher, v (e.g. to usher a new era) radio carbon date, v Comprehension check Answer the questions: 1. What factors called forth a shift from a food gathering society to a food cultivating society and what were the consequences of this shift? 2. Why have traditional history writes to a large degree ignored the existence of fairly advanced Neolithic societies in Europe? 3. What evidence can prove that the inhabitants of Europe were also quite developed in terms of their society and culture? 4. What are the main differences between the Late Paleolithic and Neolithic lifestyles? 5. Do Neolithic burial sites provide any evidence concerning the stratification of Neolithic society? 6. What effect did the introduction of iron working have upon the process of human development?
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