Америка в прошлом и настоящем. Часть I. Горчакова Е.П - 28 стр.


6. When Columbus returned to Spain after the first voyage,
a. he found that no one remembered him.
b. he found that the voyage had changed his whole life.
c. he found that his life had not changed very much.
7. Do you think that "America" is a good name for the new world the Europeans
found? Which of the following do you think might be better?
a. Iberia b. Hesperia c. Columbia
8. "Still, Balboa continued." This sentence in paragraph 22
a. adds to what has been said earlier in the paragraph.
b. contrasts with what has been said earlier in the paragraph.
c. gives reasons for what has been said earlier in the paragraph.
9. When the Spaniards entered Mexico City,
a. the Native Americans were surprised.
b. both the Spaniards and the Native Americans were astonished.
c. the Spaniards were filled with wonder.
10. From the historical selection given, do you think Bernal Diaz
a. admired Montezuma?
b. hated Montezuma?
c. didn't care about Montezuma?
Write a paragraph on the topic of one of the following.
A. Reread paragraphs 1-3 of the Historical Background. Then in one well-
developed paragraph, summarize the events leading up to the great ocean
voyage of Bartholomew Dias in 1487.
B. Review the information given in paragraphs 7-14 of the Historical Back
ground. Then in your own words, describe the Atlantic crossing made by
Christopher Columbus in the summer and early autumn of 1492.
C. Imagine that you are a soldier in the army of Cortes. Earlier in the day,
escorted by Montezuma, you went with your captain on a tour of the Aztec
capital. Now, it is evening. You are sitting in the cool shadows of a stone
pyramid. You are writing to your family in Spain, telling them of the city you
have just explored in an unknown continent. What would you say?
Topics for Discussion
Choose the answer that best expresses your own feelings, taste, or preferences. You
may substitute your own answer for any of the choices given. Explain your answers,
sharing your responses with a partner, a small group, or with all of your classmates.
 6. When Columbus returned to Spain after the first voyage,
    a. he found that no one remembered him.
    b. he found that the voyage had changed his whole life.
    c. he found that his life had not changed very much.
 7. Do you think that "America" is a good name for the new world the Europeans
    found? Which of the following do you think might be better?
    a. Iberia         b. Hesperia         c. Columbia
 8. "Still, Balboa continued." This sentence in paragraph 22
    a. adds to what has been said earlier in the paragraph.
    b. contrasts with what has been said earlier in the paragraph.
    c. gives reasons for what has been said earlier in the paragraph.
 9. When the Spaniards entered Mexico City,
    a. the Native Americans were surprised.
    b. both the Spaniards and the Native Americans were astonished.
    c. the Spaniards were filled with wonder.
10. From the historical selection given, do you think Bernal Diaz
    a. admired Montezuma?
    b. hated Montezuma?
    c. didn't care about Montezuma?

Write a paragraph on the topic of one of the following.
A. Reread paragraphs 1-3 of the Historical Background. Then in one well-
developed paragraph, summarize the events leading up to the great ocean
voyage of Bartholomew Dias in 1487.
B. Review the information given in paragraphs 7-14 of the Historical Back
ground. Then in your own words, describe the Atlantic crossing made by
Christopher Columbus in the summer and early autumn of 1492.
C. Imagine that you are a soldier in the army of Cortes. Earlier in the day,
escorted by Montezuma, you went with your captain on a tour of the Aztec
capital. Now, it is evening. You are sitting in the cool shadows of a stone
pyramid. You are writing to your family in Spain, telling them of the city you
have just explored in an unknown continent. What would you say?

      Topics for Discussion
Choose the answer that best expresses your own feelings, taste, or preferences. You
may substitute your own answer for any of the choices given. Explain your answers,
sharing your responses with a partner, a small group, or with all of your classmates.
