Английский язык. Горчакова Е.П - 39 стр.


What is intelligence? Is it an inborn ability? Does it only
reflect a persons schooling or his experience gained in the
course of lifetime?
2. Read the text,divide it info logical parts and
choose the most suitable heading from the list A-E.
A Can we measure without defining?
B Do our mental abilities stay constant throughout life?
C Are mental tests valid?
D Are group differences in IQ genetically determined?
E What is the nature of intelligence?
3. Read the text and decide whether the following
statements are true or false.
1 Hereditary and environmental influences dont
influence on mental ability because parents cant
transmit their environment to their children.
2 Its a common belief that intelligence involves many
3 The rate of growth of mental ability seems to slow down
in rate adolescence.
4 A universally accepted definition of intelligence is a
unified ability to solve of problems.
5 Thomson and other believe that intelligence consist of a
general factor which controls every adaptive act.
6 Current mental tests are applicable to investigating
group difference in intelligence.

                                      UNIT 5

                   T HE PR OBL EMS OF MENT A L T EST I NG



      What is intelligence? Is it an inborn ability? Does it only
reflect a person’s schooling or his experience gained in the
course of lifetime?


        2 . Rea d t h e t ex t , d i vi d e i t i n f o l o g i c a l p a r t s a n d
c h o o se t h e m o st su i t a bl e h ea di n g f r o m t h e l i st A-E.

      A    Can we measure without defining?
      B    Do our mental abilities stay constant throughout life?
      C    Are mental tests valid?
      D    Are group differences in IQ genetically determined?
      E    What is the nature of intelligence?

        3 . Rea d t h e t ex t a n d dec i de wh et h er t h e f o l l o wi n g
st a t em en t s a r e t r u e o r f a l se.

      1 Hereditary     and    environmental   influences   don’t
        influence on mental ability because parents can’t
        transmit their environment to their children.
      2 It’s a common belief that intelligence involves many
      3 The rate of growth of mental ability seems to slow down
        in rate adolescence.
      4 A universally accepted definition of intelligence is a
        unified ability to solve of problems.
      5 Thomson and other believe that intelligence consist of a
        general factor which controls every adaptive act.
      6 Current mental tests are applicable to investigating
        group difference in intelligence.