5.Match the adverbs in A with the words in B
1. necessarily
2. fairly
3. annually
4. inexorably
5. inevitably
6. increasingly
7. relatively
8. moderately
9. eventually
10. naturally
11. genetically
12. environmentally
13. adequately
a) represented
b) caused
c) occurring events
d) to be follows
e) it follows
f) successful
g) decreasing
h) result
i) important
j) high
k) determined
l) to increase
6. Match each word from A with its synonym or
explanation from B.
1. precise
2. practical
3. representative
4. stationary
5. overall
a) changeable
b) exact
c) typical
d) suited to actual use
e) suffering from bad
44 5 .Ma t c h t h e a dver bs i n A wi t h t h e wo r d s i n B A B 1. necessarily a) represented 2. fairly b) caused 3. annually c) occurring events 4. inexorably d) to be follows 5. inevitably e) it follows 6. increasingly f) successful 7. relatively g) decreasing 8. moderately h) result 9. eventually i) important 10. naturally j) high 11. genetically k) determined 12. environmentally l) to increase 13. adequately 6 . Ma t c h ea c h wo r d f r o m A wi t h i t s syn o n ym o r ex p l a n a t i o n f r o m B. A B 1. precise a) changeable 2. practical b) exact 3. representative c) typical 4. stationary d) suited to actual use 5. overall e) suffering from bad feeding