Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 38 стр.


observations were presented. 5. The relationship between the computers
and the people that use them will be described in all the details.
(B) 1. The experiment carried out by these researchers can be relied
upon. 2. Some amplification was obtained by using tuned r-f amplifier
ahead of the mixer. 3. The discovery of electron was followed by
investigations of its properties. 4. The amplifying characteristics of a new
type of transistor will be referred to as
reverse saturation current.
to be referred to as – называться
2. Заполните пустые графы таблицы номерами соответствую-
щих предложений:
(А) 1. Я уже посмотрела этот фильм, когда пришел отец. 2. Я по-
смотрю фильм к тому времени, когда придет мой друг. 3. Завтра по
телевизору интересная передача. Я
буду обязательно смотреть ее. 4. Зав-
тра в полдень я
буду смотреть телевизор. 5. Я не смотрю телевизор по
будням, так как я возвращаюсь с работы слишком поздно.
(Б) 6. I
knew that long ago. 7. I’m working at my project now. 8. The
will have discussed the problem before the teacher comes. 9. You will
be watching TV at 5 o’clock tomorrow. 10. He’ll come again next year. 11. He
lived in Siberia during the war. 12. The car had nobody in but the engine was
running. 13. He had lived in Kiev before he married Susan. 14. I usually have
breakfast at 8 o’clock. 15. Do you hear what they are talking about? 16. I
haven’t spoken to him yet. 17. I was translating the article from 5 till 7 o’clock.
18. It
rained yesterday.