Английский язык. Громовая И.И - 87 стр.


Computers made on integrated circuits containing hundreds of thousands
of active electronic devices in tiny elements are of the third and fourth
Computers of the fifth generation contain high-level user interfaces based
on VLSI and SLSI
, optical fibers, videodisks, and artificial intelligence
approaches for interaction via natural languages, including speech input.
A major advance in the development of computer technologies was the
creation of microprocessors and microcomputers. These tiny computer devices
are able to control complex operations.
So we see that the significance of the electronic computers invention can
be compared with the invention of the steam engine at the end of the 18
century and the utilization of atomic energy.
(3 470 t. un.)
a special counter wheel – специальное счетное колесо
He is known to…. – известно, что он …. .
which would require years of laborious work of large groups of people
before – которые потребовали бы раньше годы трудоемкой работы боль-
шой группы людей
general and special purpose computers – универсальные и специализи-
рованные компьютеры
VLSI (Very Large-Scale Integration) – интеграция очень высокого уров-
ня, SLSI (Super Large-Scale Integration) – интеграция сверх высокого уров-
artificial intelligence – искусственный интеллект
Computer as a concert
In the developed world of the 20
century, man lives surrounded by a
bewildering variety of machines on which his way of life and even life itself
depends. These machines can be simple or complex, minute or enormous.
Some, like a sewing machine, are for specific applications while other, like
electric drill, can be used for a variety of purposes. Some machines, though
designed for a specific purpose, are components in many different machines;
for instance, the electric motor gives the electric drill its flexibility. This is
because the purpose of the motor – to provide power – is fundamental in
many applications.
Another fundamental aspect of twentieth-century life is the vast amount
and variety of information that surrounds man from media such as the telephone