Английский язык: Сборник текстов. Гурская Т.А. - 24 стр.



Below you will find a sample of an auditor's opinion:
To the Shareholders of... Ltd.:
We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of... Ltd. As of 31 December
... and the related statement of income for the year then ended.
Our audit was conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing stan-
dards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other
auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances to establish
whether the balance sheet and the related statement complied with Russian regula-
tions and were in agreement with the imderlying accounting records.
In our opinion, the balance sheet and the related statement of income ... Ltd. re-
ferred to above have been prepared in compliance with the relevant Russian regula-
tions and are in agreement with the underlying accounting records.
4 March
Answer the questions on the text:
1. What is auditing?
2. What audits are practiced nowadays?
3. What does the auditor's opinion help establish?
4. How is an audit planned?
5. What do auditors normally start with?
6. What do auditors direct their attention to when they analyze financial statements?
7. What responsibilities do managers (directors) undertake with regard to the audit?
8. What are the responsibilities of auditors?
9. Do auditors study and evaluate the accounting system and the internal ac-
counting control during the audit? Do they rely on internal controls?
10. What are the most critical elements in the auditor's judgement?
11. Do all audits end up in the approval of the financial statements? Why do audi-
tors sometimes disclaim or qualify their opinion?
12. Who has the right to act as an auditor?
13. What audit was conducted by the auditors whose opinion is stated in the sample?
14. What were the auditors responsible for?
15. What opinion was expressed?
Find English equivalents for the following Russian phrases from the text:
Проверять (подвергать ревизии) учетную документацию; давать заключение
в отношении точности и достоверности финансовой отчетности; аудит финан-
совой отчетности; ревизия правильности начисления подоходного налога; аудит
максимального использования денежных средств; аудит мероприятий по защите
окружающей среды; ревизия правильности действий руководства; проверка эф-
фективности финансовой деятельности руководства; учетные работники нако-
пили значительный опыт в ...; аудит счетов является инструментом защиты ин-
тересов пользователей финансовой отчетности; заключение аудитора делает
финансовую отчетность надежной; наблюдательным советам и ведомствам ино-
     Below you will find a sample of an auditor's opinion:

                               To the Shareholders of... Ltd.:
     We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of... Ltd. As of 31 December
... and the related statement of income for the year then ended.
     Our audit was conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing stan-
dards and, accordingly, included such tests of the accounting records and such other
auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances to establish
whether the balance sheet and the related statement complied with Russian regula-
tions and were in agreement with the imderlying accounting records.
     In our opinion, the balance sheet and the related statement of income ... Ltd. re-
ferred to above have been prepared in compliance with the relevant Russian regula-
tions and are in agreement with the underlying accounting records.
                                                                              4 March

      Answer the questions on the text:
    1. What is auditing?
    2. What audits are practiced nowadays?
    3. What does the auditor's opinion help establish?
    4. How is an audit planned?
    5. What do auditors normally start with?
    6. What do auditors direct their attention to when they analyze financial statements?
    7. What responsibilities do managers (directors) undertake with regard to the audit?
    8. What are the responsibilities of auditors?
    9. Do auditors study and evaluate the accounting system and the internal ac-
counting control during the audit? Do they rely on internal controls?
    10. What are the most critical elements in the auditor's judgement?
    11. Do all audits end up in the approval of the financial statements? Why do audi-
tors sometimes disclaim or qualify their opinion?
    12. Who has the right to act as an auditor?
    13. What audit was conducted by the auditors whose opinion is stated in the sample?
    14. What were the auditors responsible for?
    15. What opinion was expressed?

    Find English equivalents for the following Russian phrases from the text:
   Проверять (подвергать ревизии) учетную документацию; давать заключение
в отношении точности и достоверности финансовой отчетности; аудит финан-
совой отчетности; ревизия правильности начисления подоходного налога; аудит
максимального использования денежных средств; аудит мероприятий по защите
окружающей среды; ревизия правильности действий руководства; проверка эф-
фективности финансовой деятельности руководства; учетные работники нако-
пили значительный опыт в ...; аудит счетов является инструментом защиты ин-
тересов пользователей финансовой отчетности; заключение аудитора делает
финансовую отчетность надежной; наблюдательным советам и ведомствам ино-