Computers today. Гурьянова В.И. - 9 стр.



Computers provide us with data that give us a basis for decision making
but to what extent can we rely on those data? Are the data up-to-date and cor-
rect? What kinds of interpretations were made when the data were originally
registered? What about the uncertainties introduced by our own interpretations?
Computers are used to monitor and control complex technical systems to
minimize errors and avoid breakdowns and catastrophes. But computer systems
are themselves complex artifacts that introduce new source of error and uncer-
tainty. And what about political issues? Do we want to use computers to keep
track of peoples every move and opinion? Do we want to use them to develop
advanced military systems in outer space?
All these questions concern quality. People are concerned with the quality
of work as computers replace old work habits and introduce new ones. We have
to worry about the quality of data and information when computers are used, as
they so often are, to provide decision support.
Text 3
1. Before you read the text below, check that you understand the fol-
lowing words and phrases:
in order to do smth, to solve problems, to devise, to imply, a useful whole,
to recognize, the processing of data, to direct, to join together, either or, to
refer, the actual execution of programs, to attach to the CPU, system software,
applications software, the former, the latter, along with, monstrosity, incapable,
to acquire.
2. Read the text, then answer the questions:
What is a computer system?
What are the 2 main parts of a computer system?
What components of computer hardware are mentioned in the text?
What is software?
      Computers provide us with data that give us a basis for decision making –
but to what extent can we rely on those data? Are the data up-to-date and cor-
rect? What kinds of interpretations were made when the data were originally
registered? What about the uncertainties introduced by our own interpretations?
      Computers are used to monitor and control complex technical systems to
minimize errors and avoid breakdowns and catastrophes. But computer systems
are themselves complex artifacts that introduce new source of error and uncer-
tainty. And what about political issues? Do we want to use computers to keep
track of people’s every move and opinion? Do we want to use them to develop
advanced military systems in outer space?
      All these questions concern quality. People are concerned with the quality
of work as computers replace old work habits and introduce new ones. We have
to worry about the quality of data and information when computers are used, as
they so often are, to provide decision support.

                                         Text 3
      1. Before you read the text below, check that you understand the fol-
lowing words and phrases:

      in order to do smth, to solve problems, to devise, to imply, a useful whole,
to recognize, the processing of data, to direct, to join together, either … or, to
refer, the actual execution of programs, to attach to the CPU, system software,
applications software, the former, the latter, along with, monstrosity, incapable,
to acquire.

      2. Read the text, then answer the questions:
       What is a computer system?
       What are the 2 main parts of a computer system?
       What components of computer hardware are mentioned in the text?
       What is software?