Моя специальность. Халюшева Г.Р. - 8 стр.



10) Where can you see the results of students and teachers` partnership?
11) What can you say about the teaching staff of the University?
12) Does the University offer any extra-academic activities for its students?
1.6 Look at the following phrases of agreeing/disagreeing. Which of them
are new to you? Which of them have you already used?
Agreeing: Disagreeing:
Absolutely! Yes, but…
Exactly! I know, but…
I couldn`t agree more! I take/see your point, but…
You`re telling me! (informal) But don`t you think…?
Yes/yeah I`m not so sure…
I know… No, it isn`t/No, she isn`t…etc
I agree. That`s not true.
Right/That`s right/You`re right. You must be joking! / No way!
I suppose so… I can`t accept that…(formal)
I guess so… (Am. E.) Rubbish! (Br.E., informal)
1.7 Look at the following statements about the University life. Which are
true? Which are false? (Use the expressions given above)
1) OSU is the youngest educational establishment in the region.
2) The Faculty of Information Technologies was organized on November 5,
3) The Department of Information Studies trains IT specialists with an
additional qualification of managers.
4) Graduates of this speciality are supposed to work at schools and
5) The Department offers a six-year course of study.
6) Optional subjects include Maths, Physics and Information Theory.
7) All language classes are organized into levels.
8) After their second year of studies students have summer practice devoted
to translating authentic technical texts.
1.8 Work in pairs and compare the lists you made while you were reading
the text.
Do you agree about what makes your speciality so important and
“All [English] classes are organized into levels”. Do you think this is
     10)   Where can you see the results of students and teachers` partnership?
     11)   What can you say about the teaching staff of the University?
     12)   Does the University offer any extra-academic activities for its students?

      1.6 Look at the following phrases of agreeing/disagreeing. Which of them
are new to you? Which of them have you already used?

     Agreeing:                            Disagreeing:
     Absolutely!                          Yes, but…

     Exactly!                              I know, but…
     I couldn`t agree more!                I take/see your point, but…
     You`re telling me! (informal)          But don`t you think…?
     Yes/yeah                              I`m not so sure…
     I know…                                No, it isn`t/No, she isn`t…etc
     I agree.                              That`s not true.
     Right/That`s right/You`re right.      You must be joking! / No way!
     I suppose so…                         I can`t accept that…(formal)
     I guess so… (Am. E.)                  Rubbish! (Br.E., informal)

      1.7 Look at the following statements about the University life. Which are
true? Which are false? (Use the expressions given above)

     1)    OSU is the youngest educational establishment in the region.
     2)    The Faculty of Information Technologies was organized on November 5,
     3)    The Department of Information Studies trains IT specialists with an
           additional qualification of managers.
     4)    Graduates of this speciality are supposed to work at schools and
     5)    The Department offers a six-year course of study.
     6)    Optional subjects include Maths, Physics and Information Theory.
     7)    All language classes are organized into levels.
     8)    After their second year of studies students have summer practice devoted
           to translating authentic technical texts.

      1.8 Work in pairs and compare the lists you made while you were reading
the text.
      Do you agree about what makes your speciality so important and
      “All [English] classes are organized into levels”. Do you think this is
