Английский язык. Ч.3 (Tests 10,11,12). Ильичева Н.А - 13 стр.


understanding of time and space as d) … quantities that depend on how a
particular observer is moving, rather than absolute quantities measured with
respect to a e) … system of coordinates.
The problem of space and time is not a new one. The German philosopher
Nicolas of Cusa (1401–1464) argued that space and time are merely products of
the f) …, and therefore are inferior to the mind that created them. Giordano
Bruno (1548–1600), an Italian philosopher whose ideas anticipated modern
science, pointed out that such words as “above”, “below”, “at rest” and g) … are
meaningless in the universe of revolving suns and planets, for which there is no
fixed centre. In the 17th century, the celebrated English physicist and
mathematician, Isaac Newton, contrasted the h) … time of the scientist with the
less precise everyday notions of space and time. He regarded the material world
as a collection of particles, each one of which could be i) … or moving, not
merely in relation to the others, but in relation to absolute space.
Relativity states that it is impossible to give a clear j) of an “absolute”
space and time. Objects in the Universe cannot be measured with respect to
some single, fixed system of coordinates. Only relative space and time exist, in
which each k) … refers events to their own frame of reference and to each other.
For example, you could choose to measure events in your house relative to their
position from your front door and their time according to your kitchen clock.
Any l) … frame of reference is as good as any other for describing events and
for carrying out experiments to determine the laws of nature. The system of
coordinates needed to describe any frame of reference are the three m) …
dimensions, plus time. In other words, relativity is concerned with a four-
dimensional n) … called space-time, and with how events appear differently
when viewed in different frames of reference.
E. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense
1. He will be late for the train if he … (not start) at once.
understanding of time and space as d) … quantities that depend on how a
particular observer is moving, rather than absolute quantities measured with
respect to a e) … system of coordinates.
   The problem of space and time is not a new one. The German philosopher
Nicolas of Cusa (1401–1464) argued that space and time are merely products of
the f) …, and therefore are inferior to the mind that created them. Giordano
Bruno (1548–1600), an Italian philosopher whose ideas anticipated modern
science, pointed out that such words as “above”, “below”, “at rest” and g) … are
meaningless in the universe of revolving suns and planets, for which there is no
fixed centre. In the 17th century, the celebrated English physicist and
mathematician, Isaac Newton, contrasted the h) … time of the scientist with the
less precise everyday notions of space and time. He regarded the material world
as a collection of particles, each one of which could be i) … or moving, not
merely in relation to the others, but in relation to absolute space.
   Relativity states that it is impossible to give a clear j) … of an “absolute”
space and time. Objects in the Universe cannot be measured with respect to
some single, fixed system of coordinates. Only relative space and time exist, in
which each k) … refers events to their own frame of reference and to each other.
For example, you could choose to measure events in your house relative to their
position from your front door and their time according to your kitchen clock.
Any l) … frame of reference is as good as any other for describing events and
for carrying out experiments to determine the laws of nature. The system of
coordinates needed to describe any frame of reference are the three m) …
dimensions, plus time. In other words, relativity is concerned with a four-
dimensional n) … called space-time, and with how events appear differently
when viewed in different frames of reference.

E. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense
1. He will be late for the train if he … (not start) at once.