Английский язык. Ч.3 (Tests 10,11,12). Ильичева Н.А - 24 стр.


2. 1) surface; 3. 1 – G.
2) reflection; 2 – D.
3) angle of incidence; 3 – C.
4) equals; 4 – H.
5) convex; 5 – J.
6) concave; 6 – A.
7) medium; 7 – I.
8) dispersion; 8 – F.
9) deviation; 9 – E.
10) interference. 10 – B.
4. D. I. Y. (Do it yourself).
5. 1) light; 6) boundary;
2) surface; 7) diamond;
3) plane; 8) prism;
4) rough; 9) slit.
5) sphere;
6. 1. Only some of the light is reflected.
2. Rays reflected from relatively rough surfaces are not parallel.
3. Convex mirrors are used in trucks and in shops (to watch for thieves).
4. Refraction is responsible for a number of common optical illusions.
5. Waves deviate from a straight-line path when they pass through a narrow slit.
7. 1) e; 6) j;
2) g; 7) f;
3) b; 8) h;
4) d; 9) c;
5) a; 10) i.
2. 1) surface;                        3. 1 – G.
  2) reflection;                         2 – D.
  3) angle of incidence;                 3 – C.
  4) equals;                             4 – H.
  5) convex;                             5 – J.
  6) concave;                            6 – A.
  7) medium;                             7 – I.
  8) dispersion;                         8 – F.
  9) deviation;                          9 – E.
  10) interference.                      10 – B.

4. D. I. Y. (Do it yourself).

5. 1) light;              6) boundary;
  2) surface;             7) diamond;
  3) plane;               8) prism;
  4) rough;               9) slit.
  5) sphere;

6. 1. Only some of the light is reflected.
  2. Rays reflected from relatively rough surfaces are not parallel.
  3. Convex mirrors are used in trucks and in shops (to watch for thieves).
  4. Refraction is responsible for a number of common optical illusions.
  5. Waves deviate from a straight-line path when they pass through a narrow slit.

7. 1) e;              6) j;
  2) g;               7) f;
  3) b;               8) h;
  4) d;               9) c;
  5) a;               10) i.
