Английский язык. Ч.3 (Units 9,10). Ильичева Н.А - 6 стр.


to the surface. The law of reflection states that the angle of incidence
equals the angle of reflection.
Figure 2.
The reflection from very smooth or mirror surfaces is called regular or
specular reflection (speculum is Latin for mirror). In regular reflection incident
parallel rays are parallel on reflection (Fig. 3a). When light is incident on a
rough surface, even microscopically rough such as this page, it is reflected in
many directions. This is called diffuse reflection. Because of diffuse reflection
in all directions, an ordinary object can be seen from many different angles
(Fig. 3b). On the other hand, when a narrow beam of light is shone on a mirror,
the light will not reach your eyes unless it is placed at just the right place where
the law of reflection is satisfied. Galileo, using similar arguments, showed that
the Moon must have a rough surface rather than a highly polished surface like a
mirror, as some people thought.
Figure 3ɚ. Figure 3b.
to the surface. The law of           reflection states that the angle of incidence
equals the angle of reflection.

                                     Figure 2.
   The reflection from very smooth or mirror surfaces is called regular or
specular reflection (speculum is Latin for mirror). In regular reflection incident
parallel rays are parallel on reflection (Fig. 3a). When light is incident on a
rough surface, even microscopically rough such as this page, it is reflected in
many directions. This is called diffuse reflection. Because of diffuse reflection
in all directions, an ordinary object can be seen from many different angles
(Fig. 3b). On the other hand, when a narrow beam of light is shone on a mirror,
the light will not reach your eyes unless it is placed at just the right place where
the law of reflection is satisfied. Galileo, using similar arguments, showed that
the Moon must have a rough surface rather than a highly polished surface like a
mirror, as some people thought.

              Figure 3�.                                  Figure 3b.
