Английский язык. Жесткова М.В. - 10 стр.



Moscow in less than two hours. 5. The electric equipment that is being installed now has been
produced by a Japanese firm.
II. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на
употребление эквивалентов модальных глаголов (to be allowed to; to be able to; to be to;
to have to). Подчеркните эквиваленты модальных глаголов в английских
предложениях и в переводе.
1. We had to substitute some broken parts of this machine. 2. Parking is not allowed on
this side of the street. 3. Steam locomotives were not able to haul very heavy trains at a high
speed. 4. At the terminus the driver of the multiple-unit train is to move to the other end of the
train. 5. The attention of the railway authorities of all countries has to be focused on the
development of high-speed traffic both in passenger and freight service.
III. Выберите английский эквивалент русского предложения из трёх данных
вариантов. Обращайте внимание на перевод модальных глаголов и их эквивалентов.
1. Ты
можешь купить билет заранее.
a) You could buy a ticket in advance. b) You will have to buy a ticket in advance. c) You
may buy a ticket in advance.
2. Анна должна была приехать в 5 часов.
a) Ann must come at 5. b) Ann was to come at 5. c) Ann should come at 5.
3. Нам придётся делать пересадку в Москве?
a) Shall we have to change trains in Moscow? b) Shall we be able to change trains in
Moscow? c) Shall we be allowed to change trains in Moscow?
4. Им разрешили продолжить исследования.
a) They were allowed to continue their research. b) They were able to continue their
research. c) They may continue their research.
5. Поезд не мог уйти со станции, так как линия была занята.
a) The train was not to depart from the station, as the line was busy. b) The train could
not depart from the station, as the line was busy. c) The train was not allowed to depart
from the station, as the line was busy.
IV. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание
употребление герундия в разных функциях.
1. The method of controlling the movement of all trains on a line from a central point is
called Centralized Traffic Control. 2. A long tunnel was bored through the mountain but laying
railway tracks in this tunnel was not planned. 3. As the seats in Metro cars are arranged in rows
on both sides of the carriage, the passengers can easily take their seats without causing trouble
to other people. 4. The driver has been fined for exceeding the speed limit. 5. He made a lot of
money by buying tickets in advance and selling them for twice the price on the day of the train
V. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные
функции слов с окончанием –ing.
1. By 1913 the railway network of Russia consisted of 25 state lines and 13 private lines
belonging to different companies. 2. Much attention is paid to planning the rail approaches to
the station in order to the departing and arriving trains interfere each other as little as possible.
3. Cement can be transported in steel containers having about 960lb capacity. 4. The cost of