Периоды английской литературы. Карпова В.А - 33 стр.



10. Allegory was the established medieval method of visualizing; it had
been very much developed in the earlier literature of the Middle Ages.
11. John Wycliffe was a strict follower of the religious practices of his
12. The playwrights of the Interlude were often priests.
13. The blend of the secular with the sacred was one of the characteristics
of the medieval play.
14. Mystery plays originated in the liturgy of the Church and developed
from liturgical dramas into the great Cyclic Plays.
15. The Interlude played an important part in the secularization of the
drama and in the development of realistic comedy.
16. Realistic treatment was a significant feature of the earlier literature of
the Middle Ages.
17. Allegory represents one thing in the guise of another.
18. The popularity of Arthurian tradition reached its climax in medieval
English literature in Spensers epic The Faerie Queene. (1590).
19. The age of the Miracles was one in which religion was an integral part
of communal life.
20. The first books produced by Caxton in England were meant to suit the
needs of the Church.
II. Choose the best answer for the following questions.
1. New religious ideas that appeared at the end of the 14
century were
dangerous to:
a. Civil authorities.
b. The Royal authority.
c. The authority of the Church.
2. The representatives of the Lollard movement criticized:
a. Secular conventions.
b. Religious practices.
c. Civil authorities.
3. Henry IV introduced the idea of executing the Lollards by:
a. Shooting.
b. Burning.
c. Hanging.
4. Sir Thomas Malory used as his source chiefly an assortment of:
a. Welsh Arthurian tales.
b. French Arthurian prose romances.
c. Roman Arthurian romantic epics.
5. The age of the Miracles was one in which an integral part of communal
life was:
a. Commercialism.
b. Intellectual rebirth.
10. Allegory was the established medieval method of visualizing; it had
    been very much developed in the earlier literature of the Middle Ages.
11. John Wycliffe was a strict follower of the religious practices of his
12. The playwrights of the Interlude were often priests.
13. The blend of the secular with the sacred was one of the characteristics
    of the medieval play.
14. Mystery plays originated in the liturgy of the Church and developed
    from liturgical dramas into the great Cyclic Plays.
15. The Interlude played an important part in the secularization of the
    drama and in the development of realistic comedy.
16. Realistic treatment was a significant feature of the earlier literature of
    the Middle Ages.
17. Allegory represents one thing in the guise of another.
18. The popularity of Arthurian tradition reached its climax in medieval
    English literature in Spenser’s epic “The Faerie Queene”. (1590).
19. The age of the Miracles was one in which religion was an integral part
    of communal life.
20. The first books produced by Caxton in England were meant to suit the
    needs of the Church.
     II. Choose the best answer for the following questions.
1. New religious ideas that appeared at the end of the 14 th century were
   dangerous to:
            a. Civil authorities.
            b. The Royal authority.
            c. The authority of the Church.
2. The representatives of the Lollard movement criticized:
            a. Secular conventions.
            b. Religious practices.
            c. Civil authorities.
3. Henry IV introduced the idea of executing the Lollards by:
           a. Shooting.
           b. Burning.
           c. Hanging.
4. Sir Thomas Malory used as his source chiefly an assortment of:
             a. Welsh Arthurian tales.
             b. French Arthurian prose romances.
             c. Roman Arthurian romantic epics.
5. The age of the Miracles was one in which an integral part of communal
   life was:
             a. Commercialism.
             b. Intellectual rebirth.