Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку для вузов. Кислякова Н.В - 18 стр.


Carbohydrates are organic compounds made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Most carbohydrate molecules contain two atoms of hydrogen for every atom of
oxygen. Carbohydrates are classified by the number of sugar units in the
molecule. The smallest are simple sugars called monosaccharides. They consist
of a single sugar unit. The most common monosaccharides contain five or six
carbon atoms. They are ring-shaped molecules with several carbon atoms and
one oxygen atom. Any two monosaccharides can combine to form a
disaccharide. Di-,Tri- and Tetra-saccharides are derived from two, three and
four monosaccharide molecules of water. Large carbohydrate molecules called
polysaccharides are built by joining three or more monosaccharides. They are
found in cells. Polysaccharides serve as an energy source and provide structural
support for cells.
Follow-up activities
IV. Is it true or false?
1. Alkaloids are organic compounds of vegetable origin.
2. All alkaloids are crystalline substances.
3. The pure alkaloids are present in fresh plants.
4. The free bases are readily soluble in water and alcohol.
5. Carbohydrates are organic compounds.
6. All carbohydrates are classified by the number of sugar units.
V. Fill in the blanks. The first letter of each missing word is given.
1. Alkaloids p... some physiological action.
2. Some alkaloids are l....
3. C...alkaloids are rare.
4. The free bases are readily s... in d... acids.
5. Most carbohydrate molecules contain two atoms of h....
6. Any two monosaccharides can combine to form a d....
VI. Insert prepositions and translate these word combinations into Russian.
1. to be associated...
2. to be soluble...
3. to be made...
4. to consist...
5. to be derived...
VII. Ask questions about the text and answer them.
  Carbohydrates are organic compounds made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Most carbohydrate molecules contain two atoms of hydrogen for every atom of
oxygen. Carbohydrates are classified by the number of sugar units in the
molecule. The smallest are simple sugars called monosaccharides. They consist
of a single sugar unit. The most common monosaccharides contain five or six
carbon atoms. They are ring-shaped molecules with several carbon atoms and
one oxygen atom. Any two monosaccharides can combine to form a
disaccharide. Di-,Tri- and Tetra-saccharides are derived from two, three and
four monosaccharide molecules of water. Large carbohydrate molecules called
polysaccharides are built by joining three or more monosaccharides. They are
found in cells. Polysaccharides serve as an energy source and provide structural
support for cells.

Follow-up activities
IV. Is it true or false?
1. Alkaloids are organic compounds of vegetable origin.
2. All alkaloids are crystalline substances.
3. The pure alkaloids are present in fresh plants.
4. The free bases are readily soluble in water and alcohol.
5. Carbohydrates are organic compounds.
6. All carbohydrates are classified by the number of sugar units.

V. Fill in the blanks. The first letter of each missing word is given.
1. Alkaloids p... some physiological action.
2. Some alkaloids are l....
3. C...alkaloids are rare.
4. The free bases are readily s... in d... acids.
5. Most carbohydrate molecules contain two atoms of h....
6. Any two monosaccharides can combine to form a d....

VI. Insert prepositions and translate these word combinations into Russian.
1. to be associated...
2. to be soluble...
3. to be made...
4. to consist...
5. to be derived...

VII. Ask questions about the text and answer them.
