Английский язык. Климова А.Ю - 15 стр.


Going to class also teaches students how to work with the other members of the
class. Many times students will be given group assignments. This is different from
what they did in secondary school. Here theyre with people from different back-
grounds and experiences. In this situation, they learn how to handle working with peo-
ple different from themselves to achieve a common goal.
Going to class also teaches students responsibility and discipline. Having to be
at a particular time prepares them for getting a job. Being at that place on time with an
assignment completed prepares them for a career.
In short, by going to class students learn more than just information from the
teacher. They also learn how to learn, how to work with others, and how to work re-
sponsibly. These are not optional skills in life, so attending classes should not be op-
tional in college.
4 What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in
the world today? Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to
support your choice.
The one skill I would choose for success is tolerance. I do not define success
economically. I define success socially. To succeed in the future, we, will need to be
tolerant of one anothers background, opinions, lifestyle.
The world is becoming increasingly mobile. We no longer are able to live and
work only with people who went to the same schools and went to the same parties as
we and our parents did. Now we will work directly with people whose backgrounds are
completely different from ours. We must be tolerant of these differences as they must
be tolerant of us if we are to live and work together amiably.
We cannot stop speaking to people or start a war just because there is a differ-
ence in opinion. We must learn to be tolerant of one another and respect these differ-
ences in opinion. We have to find a common ground, an idea we can both agree on.
Once we have agreement on one subject it will be easier to settle differences in other
Different people have different lifestyles. We must accept these differences even
though they may be different than what we are used to. Women can live on their own,
hold important jobs, and raise children on their own. Men can stay home and take care
of children. Social roles can change and we must be tolerant of these changes.
To succeed socially, you must be adapt to differences. You must be tolerant of
all people regardless of their background, their opinions, or their lifestyles.
5 Which is more important for success: the natural ability you are born with or
hard work? Explain your opinion, using specific reasons and examples.

       Going to class also teaches students how to work with the other members of the
class. Many times students will be given group assignments. This is different from
what they did in secondary school. Here they’re with people from different back-
grounds and experiences. In this situation, they learn how to handle working with peo-
ple different from themselves to achieve a common goal.
       Going to class also teaches students responsibility and discipline. Having to be
at a particular time prepares them for getting a job. Being at that place on time with an
assignment completed prepares them for a career.

       In short, by going to class students learn more than just information from the
teacher. They also learn how to learn, how to work with others, and how to work re-
sponsibly. These are not optional skills in life, so attending classes should not be op-
tional in college.

4    What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in
     the world today? Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to
     support your choice.

       The one skill I would choose for success is tolerance. I do not define success
economically. I define success socially. To succeed in the future, we, will need to be
tolerant of one another’s background, opinions, lifestyle.

       The world is becoming increasingly mobile. We no longer are able to live and
work only with people who went to the same schools and went to the same parties as
we and our parents did. Now we will work directly with people whose backgrounds are
completely different from ours. We must be tolerant of these differences as they must
be tolerant of us if we are to live and work together amiably.

      We cannot stop speaking to people or start a war just because there is a differ-
ence in opinion. We must learn to be tolerant of one another and respect these differ-
ences in opinion. We have to find a common ground, an idea we can both agree on.
Once we have agreement on one subject it will be easier to settle differences in other

       Different people have different lifestyles. We must accept these differences even
though they may be different than what we are used to. Women can live on their own,
hold important jobs, and raise children on their own. Men can stay home and take care
of children. Social roles can change and we must be tolerant of these changes.

       To succeed socially, you must be adapt to differences. You must be tolerant of
all people regardless of their background, their opinions, or their lifestyles.

5    Which is more important for success: the natural ability you are born with or
     hard work? Explain your opinion, using specific reasons and examples.