Dead poets society. Климова А.Ю. - 11 стр.



unauthorized adj. анонимный
to ferret out вынюхивать, разведывать
expulsion n исключение
smirk n самодовольная улыбка
assume the position примите позу
to be kicked out v быть выгнанным
to turn smb. in v сдать властям
outburst n срыв
carriculum n программа
lame stunt n неудачная шутка
to choke v подавиться
to get away with v избежать наказания
to quit бросить, прекратить
to be through покончить
First Viewing Tasks
I. Answer the questions:
A. What name does Charlie Dalton assume?
B. Does Chris really like Knox?
C. Why do you think she invited him?
D. Why do the boys offer Knox a drink?
E. Why was there a fight between Knox and Chet at the party?
F. What article did Charlie publish in the school paper?
G. Why are the boys so worried about it?
H. What does Charlie have to do to be forgiven?
I. What did Mr. Nolan teach and when?
J. What golden opportunity will Charlie miss being expelled from school?
K. Why was Neils father against this absurd acting business?
II. True or false?
A. Girls are not allowed to the cave.
B. Charles Dalton is not going to give up his name.
C. Knox is Mutt Saunders brother.
D. Knox was severely beaten by Chet at the party.
E. Charlie should not have published an article in the paper, because this could mean
F. Charlie can easily get away with this.
G. Charlie is kicked out.
H. Mr. Nolan was a teacher of maths long before Mr. Keatings time.
I. He approves of Mr. Keatings teaching method.
J. Mr. Keating approves of Charlies outburst.
K. Neils father is happy learning that his son is in a play.
Comprehension Tasks
Fill in the gaps with the suitable words from the list below:
unauthorized adj.                   анонимный
to ferret out                       вынюхивать, разведывать
expulsion n                         исключение
smirk n                             самодовольная улыбка
assume the position                 примите позу
to be kicked out v                  быть выгнанным
to turn smb. in v                   сдать властям
outburst n                          срыв
carriculum n                        программа
lame stunt n                        неудачная шутка
to choke v                          подавиться
to get away with v                  избежать наказания
to quit                             бросить, прекратить
to be through                       покончить

                                  First Viewing Tasks
I. Answer the questions:
A. What name does Charlie Dalton assume?
B. Does Chris really like Knox?
C. Why do you think she invited him?
D. Why do the boys offer Knox a drink?
E. Why was there a fight between Knox and Chet at the party?
F. What article did Charlie publish in the school paper?
G. Why are the boys so worried about it?
H. What does Charlie have to do to be forgiven?
I. What did Mr. Nolan teach and when?
J. What golden opportunity will Charlie miss being expelled from school?
K. Why was Neil’s father against “this absurd acting business”?

II. True or false?
A. Girls are not allowed to the cave.
B. Charles Dalton is not going to give up his name.
C. Knox is Mutt Saunder’s brother.
D. Knox was severely beaten by Chet at the party.
E. Charlie should not have published an article in the paper, because this could mean
F. Charlie can easily get away with this.
G. Charlie is kicked out.
H. Mr. Nolan was a teacher of maths long before Mr. Keating’s time.
I. He approves of Mr. Keating’s teaching method.
J. Mr. Keating approves of Charlie’s outburst.
K. Neil’s father is happy learning that his son is in a play.
                                    Comprehension Tasks
Fill in the gaps with the suitable words from the list below: